Vol. III, No. 31. March 27, 1950, Annas Four – Air Mail-/4/6 |
“Hindu in East Bengal have not lost and cannot lose their nationality and are consequently entitled to every protection and relief from the state of Bharat” run the resolution passed by the Nagpur Session of the A.B.P.S.. The resolution calls upon the Nation for total help to the helpless victims of East Bengal aggression.
The following is the text of the resolution
1. That this meeting of elected delegates constituting the Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha, after having anxiously pondered over the tragic situation that has arisen on account of the merciless massacre, loot, accompanied by arson, forcible conversios, rape, and abductions of Hindu nationals in Pakistan, resolved:-
(a) That inspite of the unfortunate acceptance of the partition of the Motherland, the Hindus in Pakistan have not lost and cannot lose their nationality and are consequently entitled to every protection and relief from the State of BHARAT.
(b) That the theory that the partition of the Motherland was on territorial basis is untrue and fraught with disastrous consequences and need to be abandoned.
(c) That the present situation of emergency consequently can be combated by the Government of Bharat only with the loyal and active co-operation of its citizens after clearly realizing the true causes of the tragic catastrophe that has befallen the Motherland.
2. This meeting, therefore, appeals to all the citizens of Bharat in general and the members of RSS in particular to extend hearty, active and intelligent co-operation to all the measures that will be adopted by the State of Bharat not only for the maintenance of peace and assistance to the unfortunate victims of the Pakistan atrocities but also to all measures that have to be adopted to met the menace created by Pakistan.
(b) That with this end in view the RSS members through-out the country do make efforts for the relief of the victims by raising funds, supplying volunteers and by any other means wherever and whenever necessary and to make an earnest appeal to the Government to take swift action envisaged in the public statement issued on March 12th from Delhi by Sri M.S. Golwalkar, Sar-Sanghachalak of RS.
Business Vs. Discipline
In obedience to a decision by the Bengal Provincial Congress, only two Congressmen have surrendered their licences and permits, and that after deliberating for some months. The alternative was resignation from the party. One Shri Kashi Prasad Tiwari has chosen to resign from the Congress rather than give up his licence.
And Now Nepal
It is reliably learnt that a local Catholic missionary of Patna and a member of the Patna University Senate, Father M.D. Moron, are planning to found a Catholic Mission in Nepal with the help of American Embassy in New Delhi. Nepal, it may be remembered here, is the only country where foreign religions missionaries are prohibited from poking their nose.
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