Why the poor show ?

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Readers’ Forum: Islamic Terrorism : A perspective from the west

(Organiser , 25.1.2015 ); This refers to the article ‘Islamic Terrorism: A perspective from west’ by Dr. Munish Kumar Raizada in Organiser. He has mentioned many good things, but it seems, that he is not aware about the true nature of Islam, otherwise he would not have written that “Why we not see any Mahatama Gandhi in the Islamic world, willing to exhort his own people to bring peace?”All heroes of Islam, like Ghaznavi, Ghori, Timur the Lame, Aurangzeb etc.were criminals and terrorist. There were no British to instigate them. If there had been any person like Gandhi in their community he would have been killed immediately. Again Dr Raizada does not know the reality about Gandhi, nor he knows the virtuous life of Godse, other wise he would not have mentioned him as “fanatic”. No other community or nation would tolerate a treacherous person like Gandhi within their own country or community. Gandhi was least bothered about the atrocities being committed on his Hindu brothers and sisters by the Muslims.Godse was a very pure and pious in his life and had deep love for Bharat and the Hindus.
72/ Sector: 8, Panchukula: 134 109

Delhi election results clearly shows that the BJP’s support base is almost intact. Then why this poor performance? Several commentators have raised funny arguments. BJP’s debacle has nothing to do with the mood of the people . The real reason is the collapse of the Congress. If Congress had secured a significant number of votes BJP would not have fared so badly. Almost all the Congress voters shifted their loyalty to the APP. BJP could not face the combined power of Congress and APP. The election proved to be between the BJP voters and anti BJP voters as represented by APP. Kejriwal has got absolute power but no sensible person can contradict the saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Even the American President does not enjoy absolute power.
V PRAKASH, Mandir Marg,
New Delhi : 110 001

Why protest against Hindi?

This refers to the Member of the ‘Karnataka Rakshana Vedike’( KRV) staging a protest against Karnataka Governor Shri Vajubhai Rudabhai Vala for addressing the joint Legislation session in Hindi in Bengaluru. We condemn this protest made by them. When Shri H R Bharadwaj and other previous Governors made speeches in English, why was KRV silent? It appears that anti – Hindi chauvinists are taking the cover of Kannada banners and spreading their hatred against Hindi. We must bear in mind that Hindi is our national language and our late Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru had said that as long as English will prevail in Bharat, Hindi shall be our national language. Majority of the people in Bharat speak in Hindi or its dialect which is derived from our mother language ‘Sanskrit’. All regional languages share many things in common with Hindi language. Therefore Hindi can prove to be a link language among various regions in the country including rural areas and fit enough to be our national language. Hence we wish that no one should raise voice against Hindi being our national language, instigate the issue and create unrest in the country.


One of the most serious problems Bharat is facing is uncontrolled rise in prices. Population of Bharat has increased to four times since Independence from 30 crore to 120 crore but prices have risen by two hundred times. Even things of common use have not been spared. Is there any solution to this problem ? Yes . Either increase production or decrease consumption. Increase production is not possible as the land is diminishing year by year due to urbanisation. Decreased in consumption is possible and that is only possible if population is controlled. Since Independence death rate in Bharat has diminished from 27 to 8 per cent due to better medical facilites and the birth rate has only decreased from 40 to 25 per cent as a result of which population is fast increasing. So the only solution left is to restrict the population growth. There should be strict laws to control the population growth and that is possible only if two children norm is brought not by choice but by law.
Andheri East, Mumbai : 400 093

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