The Sangh swayamsevaks in Devgiri Prant created history on January 12 when over 60,000 of them in full uniform attended the Mahasangam organised at Shriram Mandir Nyas Grounds in Aurangabad. It was first of its kind event in the RSS history of the Prant. RSS Pashchim Kshetra Sanghachalak Dr Ashok Kukare, Devgiri Prant Sanghachalak Shri Gangadhar Rao Pawar and Devgiri Prant Karyavah Shri Balasaheb Chaudhary also shared the dais.
The makeshift city was named after Dharmavir Sambhaji Maharaj Nagari. The uniformed swayamsevaks came from 3000 villages of 123 taluks. Separate blocks were created for 15 districts. Three lakh ‘chapattis’ were collected from 15,000 houses of Aurangabad for the participants, while the ISKON devotees provided 'Khichri’. Local Vanvasis performed traditional dances as their special gesture.
60,000 uniformed swayamsevaks attend Devgiri Prant Mahasangam |
Dharmacharyas and eminent personalities of the Prant were also present during the speech of Sarsanghachalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat. The Mahasangam will be remembered for many other aspects too. Use of eco-friendly plates was one such notable spatiality. After the event the swayamsevaks cleaned the area. It was a day-long event and prior to the speech of the Sarsanghachalak various activities were conducted at the venue involving both the swayamsevaks and the local people who too participated in huge number.
Addressing the gathering RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat said a change will be visible only when the entire society acts collectively for any cause. “It is for the first time that swayamsevaks in such a large number have joined such a Mahasangam. This mammoth gathering symbolises a big change which will be visible in coming days,” he said. He said the prime objective of the RSS is to make a strong society to further make this nation great.
He said the swayamsevaks in the shakha every day pray for glory of the nation and not of the RSS. The word ‘RSS’ comes not a single time in the entire Prayer. He called upon the society to abandon the differences on caste and other social evils like untouchability. He appealed to the people to follow Hindu values of life and rise above the narrow considerations.
—Prasad Joshi
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