Communist Connections: Dealers of Blood

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From Moscow to Bengal Communists have killed 100 million

Communism or its followers kill” is not debatable; records are crystal clear. This ideology gave birth to the deadliest dictators in the history of mankind. Now natural question may arise why communism kills; it is because their founding father “Karl Marx” told them to do so. Marx states in ‘Communist Manifesto’ that “you must, therefore, confess that by “individual” you mean no other person than the bourgeois, than the middle-class owner of property. This person must indeed, be swept out of the way, and made impossible.” (Published by Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1973 edition, page 66).
The ‘Communist Manifesto’ ends with the following sentences, “The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution.” So no wonder that communist parties across cult of “violence” to achieve goal of classless society.
The brutalities of communist regime can be judged from the facts that they killed more than 100 million people across the globe. In an article published on 7 October 2014 at author stated that various regimes across the globe killed more than 100 million people. Let us look at the account of killings by various regimens in
the world. (See tables on next page)
Marxists in India are not different from their counterparts in the world when it comes to killing. They ruled West Bengal for nearly 34 years and in their reign India witnessed terror, crime, exploitation and corruption at unprecedented scale.
D. Bandyopadhyay in his article “Census of Political Murders in West Bengal during CPI-M Rule—1977-2009” published in Mainstream on August 22, 2010 wrote: “Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee in a statement laid on the table of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly made the following disclosure for the year 2009 only. The figures are as below: (i) murder—2284 (ii) political murder—26 (iii) rape—2516 (iv) outraging modesty—3013 (v) torture on brides—17,571 (vi) death/murder due to Maoist activities—134. (Source: Dainik Statesman, Kolkata, July 16, 2010)
However, Bandyopadhyay said that “during the last 31 years, no murderer was brought to book for this dreadful figure of 55,408 murders. It is anybody’s guess regarding the number of killers involved. Assuming that there was at least one killer per murder; the number would be over 55,000.”
Quit India Movement to 1962 War: Hitherto Treachery Continues
No substantial role had been played by Indian Marxists in the freedom movement. The only role they played was of a traitor. They supported every anti-national cause hitherto: The Quit India Movement (1942), Partition (1947), The Razakar after Indepen-dence to prevent merger of Hyderabad in India, the Chinese attack during 1962 (who will forget the populist slogan of Indian Communists “China’s Chairman is also India’s Chairman) and secessionist threats during 1990. We can gauge from personal narration of ex-IB Chief B Raman who wrote an article in Outlook on August 20, 2007. Raman wrote: “I saw the following slogan painted by the Marxists on the walls everywhere: “China's Chairman is our Chairman.” Sri ABV Rao, IPS in a AP state Police CID said: “China Chairman (Mao) our Chairman”, they became more Maoist than Mao himself!!” Comrades never called Chinese invasion as aggression against Indian sovereignty; why they will call so? How can they betray their father land, how can they betray their friends? Think about a situation that you planned a major event in your life in order to accomplish the task you formed alliance with someone or more than alliance you have common root; so will you ever admit the wrong your alliance did? Chinese spy network in India was so strong at that time that I took hours to reach inside Indian Territory.
The Communists created illegal organisation within defence services in order to share classified information with Chinese army. “Jaipal Singh, the head of the CPI secret organisation in the defence services, told a recruit after the Congress that his organisation was in full swing again after having been deactivated in May 1960 because of party factionalizing and government attention to his activities.”
Radio sets had been installed in order to listen broadcast so that Chinese secret counterpart in Calcutta can prepare propaganda material. “A West Bengal government intelligence report in November claimed that four powerful radio sets had been installed in the office of the China Review in Calcutta to listen to broadcasts from Peiping, and that the handouts were being quietly given to ‘Swadhinata’ for propaganda work on the basis of these broadcasts.”
China’s financial subsidies increased substantially before Chinese attack in 1962 so that a powerful uprising had been executed inside country when Indian Army fighting against Chinese on border. “Chinese financial subsidies to sections of the Indian party—and particularly to left-faction strongholds such as West Bengal– began to increase.” (Source: Excerpts from the report by CIA OCI No. 0697/62 (Reference Title: ESAU XVI-62)
Hitler’s Indian Friends
One of the most politicised topics in Indian history which finds its connection with Hitler is “the Aryan Invasion Theory”. Indian Marxists used it as Hindu bashing tool; as per Marxist white blond Aryans, who were expert in horse riding attacked ancient Indian civilisations of Indus valley, slaughtered each and everyone inhabiting the ancient place. They (Indian Marxist) say that after invasion descendants of Aryans wrote the vast Vedic literature in Sanskrit. Marxist view of Indian history holds the nation to be in a flux as a multi-nation state that would have us believe “India is not one nation but a collection of several separate nationalities”.
This highly politicised Aryan invasion doctrine has blurred the vision of successive generations to such extent that much of current generation has been alienated from its rich cultural heritage. We continue teach our students, even today, what our colonial masters wanted us to learn as an enslaved nation.
Archaeologist K. Kris Hirst wrote “Adolf Hitler and the Aryan/Dravidian Myth”. Adolf Hitler twisted the theories of Gustaf Kossinna (1858-1931), to put forward the Aryans as a master race of Indo-Europeans, who were supposed to be Nordic in appearance and directly ancestral to the Germans. These Nordic invaders were defined as directly opposite to native south Asian peoples, called Dravidians, who were supposed to have been darker-skinned.”
Rajiv Malhotra in “European Misappropriation of Sanskrit led to the Aryan Race Theory” wrote: “Joseph Arthur Comte de Gobineau, a French diplomat, philosopher and historian argued in his hugely influential Essay on the Inequality of Human Races that Adam from the Bible was the “originator of our white species.” Gobineau stated that white Aryans invaded India and intermarry with indigenous population; as per Gobineau the Aryan invented the caste system because intermarriage led to the decline of superior race. “Hitler's idea of “purifying” the Aryans was born out of this, and it culminated in the Holocaust. Rajiv Malhotra also wrote that “Anthropologist Kenneth Kennedy concludes of Gobineau and Chamberlain, that they “transformed the Aryan concept, which had its humble origins in philological research conducted by Jones in Calcutta at the end of the eighteenth century, into the politics and racial doctrines of Adolph Hitler's Third Reich.”
The racial Aryan theory and its spread in Indian academic or especially in future (generation to generation) of country finds its roots in most destructive ideology—Naziism. The idea of Hitler’s racial Aryan theory (which was born out of “The Aryan Invasion” theory) further spread by India Marxists. Pro-AIT circle consist of a certain European Right and Indian Leftist (along with Indian Leftist friends in Western World). Indian left find its connection with Nazi Germany directly (by propagating Hitlers racial theory here in India) and their association with pro-AIT people who were associated with Nouvelle Droite publication Nouvelle Ecole. It is worth mentioning that an original patron of the Nouvelle Ecole was Herbert Jankuhn who was once an officer of the SS research department.
Indian Marxist and Fundamentalism
Communist ideology is not compatible with Islamic fundamentalism in any sense. As per communist father “Religion is Opiate of Masses”; but communist collude with anyone if they find common target with them even if fundamentalists. Indian Marxists collude with fundamentalists as they find common link with them. In 1940 Indian Communist come close to All India Muslim League (AIML); as they found anti-national and hate Hindu propaganda as common goal with them. Bhabani Sen Gupta wrote, “Since 1940 the CPI had tried to 'placate' the Muslim League, equating it with the Congress party as India's two mass political organisations” (Communism in Indian Politics by Bhabani Sen Gupta, Columbia University Press, 1972).
Lohia in his work Guilty Men of India's Partition stated that Indian Communist “acted as incubator for Indian partition”. Though Marxists all over the world don’t believe in concept of Nationalism forget about religious nationalism but since they found a common cause with AIML; they supported their two-nation theory based upon religion. They floated multi-national theory in order to provide intellectual support to AIML two-nation theory.
Even after Partition Communists kept their support to Muslim fundamentalists. “They also “worked together with IUML to create a new Muslim majority district in Malabar and named it Malapuram” (Communism in Indian Politics by Bhabani Sen Gupta, Columbia Univer-sity Press, 1972, Page 188). Fundamentalist Muslims in return helped communists in Bengal.
In order to garner the Muslim vote bank support for electoral victory in West Bengal Marxist government changed the school textbooks. “In 1989 the West Bengal Secondary Board under a Marxist Government issued a circular dated 28 April, 1989 (Number Syl/89/1) which recommended the deletion of most discussions about the medieval period because it was too controversial” (Islamisation of Pakistan by Y.C. Ross, 2003, New Delhi, pages 16-17).
Relationship between Indian Marxist and Islamic fundamental is so cozy that the Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO) warned Indian communists in one of their document titled “The Communist Party of India (Maoist) and Islamic fundamentalists”. Indian Communists regards Islamic fundamentalists as progressive. In an interview in April 2007, Comrade Ganapathi, leader of the CPI (Maoist), stated, “Basically, we regard the Islamic upsurge as a progressive anti-imperialist force in the contemporary world.
It would be wrong to describe the struggle that is going on in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Kashmir, Chechnya, and several other countries as a struggle by Islamic fundamentalists…” (Source: CPI (Maoist) 10th Anniversary Commemorative Volumes Collected Interviews September 2004-August 2014)
Three Spills of Venom: Red, Green and Black
From Guns to Pen Indian Marxist spills venom everywhere. I don’t wonder why these communist writers are too restless today. They definitely have their reasons. After all things are not moving their way. Their hegemony is under seize these days. They had for several years now, seen all their “Manthara Tactics” failed. The pace at which reforms had moved in last few month must have definitely increased the sale of Bournols in most of the communist areas.
Communist writing had been venomous right from the beginning. They have attained new venomous heights quite recently. There are three characteristic vemons that they spill, first one is the red venom–red symbolises blood of an innocent, second is the green venom–symbolises their breed of communalism, which has place for only one colour and is unsuitable for “rainbow” society of India, and third is black vemon, black symbolizes treachery and sedition, whether it is Arundhati Roy’s pro-Pakistani Kashmir rants or Noorani’s.
Hitesh Rangra (The writer is a political commentator and Social Media activists)

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