A Page from History: Save Hindu Lives in ?Pakistan?

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VOL. 1, NO. 23 DELHI: Margashirsh Krishna 7, Decemberr 4, 1947 Four Annas?

A resolution calling upon the Government of India to take immediate steps to save the lives of Sjt. Khan Chand, Gopal Das and 39 other workers of the Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh, who are being put on trial for treason before a Special Magistrate for “waging war against the State of Pakistan,” was adopted at a meeting of the Working Committee of the All-Indian Sanatan Dharma Yuwak Mandal held in Delhi the other day.
Similar resolutions were passed at many other meetings of the Delhi Hindus organized by the Hindu Mahasabha, Arya Samaj and Hindu Sahayata Samiti at various places during the last week.
Security Order Condemned
By another resolution they condemned the order of the Chief Commissioner, Delhi, demanding a security of Rs. 2,000/- from the English Weekly “Organiser” and requested the Government to cancel the unjust order.
The full text of the resolutions passed at the Dewan Hall meeting is as follows:
“This meeting of the Hindus of Delhi condemns the Pakistan Government’s ban on the Sangh whose only object is the physical, social and religious uplift of the Hindu Society.”
“The organization has neither taken part in any political activity so far nor has it any political aim. By imposing an unjust and uncalled-for ban on such a reforming institution having only social and religious aims, the ‘Pakistan’ Government has trampled down the social and religious rights of the Hindu minority in ‘Pakistan’.”
“It is the considered opinion of the Hindus of this part of Hindusthan that the trail of the 40 innocent Hindu Social Workers in Karachi is against all principles of Judicial Procedure prevalent in any civilized state and that it tantamount to nothing less than a judicial murder.” “This meeting, therefore, strongly urges the Government of India to take up the matter immediately and see that the oppression of the Hindu minority in Pakistan is put a stop to forthwith. In particular, this meeting calls upon our Government to take all possible measures to save the lives of these innocent victims of Pakistan vendetta. It is further request that the Dominion Government should refer this matter of oppression of the Hindu minority in the ‘Pakistan’ State to the UNO and see that the person and property of the Hindu minority there are no longer violated.”
“This meeting of the Hindus of Delhi strongly resents the demand for security of Rs. 2,000 demanded from the popular English Weekly “Organiser” of Delhi. This meeting considers this as a violation and negation of the freedom of the Press and calls upon the democratic and popular Government of ours to cancel their unjust and uncalled-for order forthwith.” n


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