Modern society is facing unending mental, physical, and emotional stresses. The question arises as to how one can achieve tranquillity and peace of mind? The answer is through Preksha Meditation. It is proved that the remedy does not lie in drugs or fantasy, but in the process of catharsis and development of in heart powers. Today eminent doctors, specialists and general practitioners have realised that meditation is a powerful therapy both for healing and maintaining good health.
Preksha Meditation is a technique of meditation for integrated development of personality. All different methods of perception help us to transform the inner consciousness. The practice of Preksha Meditation helps the practitioner at physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
Preksha means “to look”, and is a 4-5 step meditation that is composed of several smaller meditations, each designed to focus the awareness and control the prana. It was started by Swami Mahaveera, a contemporary of the Buddha and the founder of Jainism. It is about 3,000 years old, and was rediscovered by Swami Mahapragyaji.
In Preksha Meditation the practice of kayotsarga conscious relaxation and perception of deep breathing meditation can cure a number of diseases which are caused by tension and stress. Kayotsarga is an essential pre-requisite for all types of meditations. In this type of meditation one has to keep the body still and motionless which can only be achieved by release of tensions by relaxation. So it is an essential base for meditational practice.
Steadiness of mind requires steadiness of breath and the later is required only with physical immobility. So kayotsarga is the most important element of meditational pre-requisite.
Benefits of Preksha Meditational Practice:
Perception of Deep Breathing : It is a simple practice technique for awakening the mind and keeps it alert. The awareness of each and every inhalation and exhalation increases the alertness of mind and concentration. This single thing attention will dissipate the stress. Perception of Body: Perception of body directly affects the nervous system. All our mental illness are produced by distortion and improper transmissions and communication by the nervous system. If our nervous system is perfect , all the mental problems will disappear.
Perception of Psychic centre : The nervous system and the endocrine system are the two major controlling and coordinating system of our body. They coordinate the work of other systems and through them control the functions of the whole body. The endocrine glands are small, ductless and secretes hormone that reach their targets through blood stream.
Centers of pain, pleasure, euphoria and bliss etc. are located in the brain. Stimulate of each centre produces pain, pleasure etc. An injury will stimulate the centre of pain through electric impulses and chemical neuro-transmitters and the result is suffering. The perception of pain occurs in the brain not in the skin or site of injury. It is possible not to feel pain or grief by activating appropriate centres.
Perception of Psychic centre with colour : Visualisation of colour on the psychic centre, when the colour actually appears as perceived can bring about the desired transmutation of our attitude and behaviour. When the rising sun colour appears on the centre i.e the Darshan Kendra which is between the eye brows, stimuli are transmuted to the brain and there is an increased feeling of pleasure that one does not want to give up. Rising sun colour can help in cessation of one’s mental weakness.
Contemplation : Practice of auto-suggestion will bring about radical attitudinal and behavioural changes and the person can remain calm and composed even in the state of serious illness. Moreover he can experience mental happiness without any drugs. ? -Swami Dharmananda?
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