Modi mania in India was perceived by many just as a media creation. But in his recently concluded visit to Japan, he has proved that even after conversing in Hindi, your attitude, gestures and deeds can convey all you want to the foreign audience. From Japanese PM Shinzo Abe to common Japanese people, from technocrats to diplomats, from a noble prize winner director to school and University students, everybody saw Modi as man of big heart. While he made prayers at the Buddhist temples in Kyoto, the priest admired him; at TCS interaction, IT professional were amazed by his vision with ease. He did not forget to thank his special security guards for protecting him throughout. Breaking all the protocols, he mingled with Indians outside the Embassy in Tokyo who were chanting Har Har Modi. After all the hectic schedules, he did not forget to have meetings with officials on board in return journey. And instead of harping on problems, he insisted on opportunities in India. His Japan visit was marked by unmatched energy, enthusiasm and excitement; the reason why the Prime Minister, on a foreign visit, turned out to be a Pied Piper for everybody at home, and abroad. ?
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