The Special Task Force (STF) of the Uttar Pradesh Police has reportedly arrested one of the suspected ISI Agent with key Army documents in Suhash Bazaar, Meerut on August 16. He was while passing information relating to the Indian Army to ISI, STF DSP Anil Kumar said.
Pakistan’s Intelligence agency, ISI Agent, Asif Ali, who has been living in the city of Meerut for quite some time now, has been accused of handing over key and important information about the Indian Army to the Pakistan intelligence agency, ever since he has been in the city of Meerut.
Reports have indicated that the police said, it has recovered several secret documents of the Indian Army, three mobiles and six SIM cards from the Pakistan Intelligence Agency
agent Ali. Reports have also indicated that Ali has also been accused of providing money to the several ISI agents across India. Official sources from the police have also said that his wife is a Pakistan national and that he has been travelling to Pakistan quite often.
Pass books and debit cards of Indian and Pakistani banks were recovered from him, the DSP said.
Ali”s interrogation brought out that his wife and children are staying in Pakistan while he was living in a rented accommodation in Delhi Gate locality in Meerut, Kumar said. In Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Additional Director General of Police (Law and Order) Mukul Goel said, preliminary investigations showed Ali was passing information about Indian Army to ISI.
He got married in Pakistan and had two children there, the police officer said, “He used to go there on the pretext of meeting his family.”
Goel said during one of these visits seven to eight years ago he came in contact with some ISI officials. Since then he has been involved in this activity.
—Surendra Singhal from Meerut?