While referring to his recent visit to India, PM Sharif said, “I must say that I have returned much satisfied with meaningful exchange of thoughts on matters of bilateral and regional interest with Indian leadership.”
He also said that, he and Narendra Modi has similar concerns on many burning issues of South Asia Taking the dialogue further, Dr Vaidik apprised Sharif on the positive impact of his visit to India on the occasion of oath taking ceremony of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the hope it has created among Indians of a better tomorrow.
About creating peace and harmony between Pakistan and India, he assured the Pakistani premier on the boldness and resolute of Indian PM on taking hard decisions for strengthening peace and stability in South Asia.?
General Secretary of the Indian Overseas Congress, Chopra is the first and the only Indian origin elected councilor in London borough of Southwark council, which has only 1.5 per cent Indian-origin people.
Born and brought up in Delhi, before moving to the UK, he was the first president of college of vocational studies in Delhi.
The Conservative Party”s Councillor for Wilsthorpe, Kewal Singh Athwal, became the first Erewash mayor to be elected by a casting vote at a meeting at Long Eaton Town Hall in Derbyshire.
Born into a Sikh family in Punjab state near the city of Jalandhar in India, Athwal moved to Britain in 1961. His career has been mainly in two industries—motor trade and textiles.
The 42-year-old Vivek has been living in France for the last many years and is married to a French lady. He is a professor of international marketing and specialises in business with south-east Asian countries.
(With Inputs from Agencies) ?
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