The annual training camp of Sewa Bharati Tamil Nadu concluded with an impressive public function at Korattur Vivekananda Vidyalaya in Chennai on May 26. The trainees demonstrated various physical activities like yoga, Kollattam, Bhajans, games, etc. Shri Sai Sundar, an industrialist, while presiding over the function emphasised on collective strength, which is bigger than individual strength. Shri HS Govinda, Kshetra Prach-arak Pramukh, emphasised on sewa attitude and explained why a healthy society is required? He also explained what constituted sewa. He said sewa should not be driven by pity gains but should be viewed as a duty. When it is viewed in this manner, sewa is a duty. He said we must perform sewa with the objective that it should help the deprived section of the society. A total of 74 trainees attended the camp.
Durga Vahini training camp in Delhi
“Status of women is truly a success index of any country. Only that society or the country can make progress where women are well educated, cultured, safe and powerful. We are proud of our nations’ culture and women power. But looking at the recent incidents of atrocities against women, the role of Durga Vahini become crucial,” said VHP central secretary Dr Surendra Jain, while speaking at the valedictory function of Durga Vahini training camp in Delhi on June 4. State convener of Durga Vahini Sushri Sanjana Chaudhary said our aim is to keep girls free from any type of fear they may have in mind. The camp received much importance due to the growing atrocities against women in the national capital. The girls performed Yoga, Paranayam, Judo-Karate, shooting and different modes of self-defence at the function. During the week long camp the inmates were educated on different issues like first aid, love jihad, terrorism, social evils, swadeshi, teenaged problems and their solutions, satsang, etc. The function was presided over by State chief of Matri Shakti Sushri Simmy Ahuja. VHP State vice president Shri Mahavir Prasad Gupta, Shri Deepak Kumar, general secretary Shri Satyandra Mohan, organising secretary Shri Karuna Prakash and other leaders were also present on the occasion.
Another sewa project by VHP Delhi
With the inspiration of VHP, the Bhagini Nivedita Sewa Nyas, started a sewa project, cutting tailoring centre, in jhuggi clusters of Dwarika in West Delhi. Inaugurating the project, vice president of the VHP Delhi and general secretary of the Nyas Shri Mahavir Prasad Gupta said helping those who are deprived due to any reason is the responsibility of every well to do person of the society. He pointed out that the VHP already run over 100 sewa projects in different parts of Delhi. These projects include health centres, cutting tailoring centres, computer training centre, beauticians, Bal Sanskar Kendras, etc. The new project was started at JJ Colony of B block in Dwarika sector 3. Shri Ram Bhagat Rajaura, noted social activist, presided over the function.
Sangh Pracharak Chandrashekar Bhandari to receive Karnataka State Award
Noted writer, veteran scholar and senior Sangh Pracharak Shri Chandrashekar Bhandari has been selected for Karnataka State Government’s Sreputed Kuvempu Bhasha Bharati Award for the best translators for year 2011 for his translation work on Dattopant Thegandi’s Book Saamajika Kranti Surya Dr BR Ambedkar, a book on Dr BR Ambedkar. The 79 year old veteran writer is known for his great contributions to RSS and related publications. He has penned several books, translated many books, hundreds of articles and also composed several patriotic poems. Among his poems, Dharegavatariside Swargada spardhiyu sundara taynelavu, was selected by the State government and adapted as a patriotic song for upper primary schools. He has spent almost 54 years as RSS Pracharak, and now has the responsibility of Akhil Bharatiya Sahitya Parishad, Karnataka.
Media lacking virtues and morals is not auspicious
—Prof. Thuravoor Vishwambharan
Cochin: “News media is the correction force and the righteousness of the media is to stand up for justice in a democratic system. However, in today’s world, media and mediamen are losing this strength,” said senior journalist Prof Thuravoor Vishwam-bharan while addressing a gathering during the celebration of Narada Jayanti organised by the Vishwa Samvada Kendra in Cochin. He said the mediamen should have the ability to work freely above the outside interferences and pressures. Media lacking virtues and morals is not auspicious. The responsibility of the news media is to make sure the social justice.
(VSK Kerala)
Training camp of Hindu Jagran Manch
A two-day training camp of Hindu Jagran Manch, Kanpur Prant, was organised in Chitrakoot. Apart from the Prant, district level activists of the Manch, activists of Yuva Vahini and Virangana Vahini also joined the camp, which was jointly inaugurated by Mahant of Digambar Akhara Dr Divya Jivandas and Mahant of Shri Kantanath Mandir Shri Damodar Maharaj. Speaking on the occasion, Mahant Dr Jivandasji said Hindu Jagran Manch should eradicate the anti-national elements the way Sri Ram had eradicated evil forces from the earth. Many issues including terrorism, love jehad, Bangladeshi infiltration, cow slaughter, etc. were discussed at the camp. President of Virangana Vahini Smt Archana Mishra apprised the gathering of the consequences of love jehad. Hindu Jagran Manch national organising secretary Shri Ashok Prabhakar spoke on terrorism and Bangladeshi infiltration. Joint organising secretary Shri Kamalesh Singh spoke about cow slaughter.
—Bureau Report
State convention of Sahkar Bharati
The two-day State convention of Sahkar Bharati Jharkhand was organised in Bokaro. More than 600 activists from 13 districts of the State attended the convention, which was inaugurated by national president of Sahkar Bharati Shri Vishnu Bobade and joint organising secretary Shri Satish Marathe. RSS Prant Sanghach-alak Shri Jagannath Shahi was also present on the occasion. He said collective efforts are necessary for development of the country and the society. Sahkar Bharati organising secretary Shri Vijay Devangan said cooperation is the best way for all-round development. He pointed out that around 30 crore people of the country are directly associated with the Sahkar Bharati through the activities in agriculture, dairy, fishing, credit societies, banking, house construction, etc. The elections of State unit were also conducted at the convention. Prof Suman Akheri was elected new State president. Shri Amarendra Pathak will be the new general secretary and Shri Keshav Harodia will be vice president.
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