Congress stronghold Amethi is facing a strong opposition from the Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Smriti Irani. She is backed by Jammu Kashmir Vichar Manch (JKVM) which has appealed to the voters of the constituency to exercise their rights in Amethi with a lot of care and foresight.A delegation of the JKVM, a premier organisation of displaced Kashmiri Pandits visited different areas and villages of Amethi Lok Sabha constituency and found that the people have really started thinking whether to vote for Congress or not JKVM has openly exhibited their determination to oust the non-performing MP of Amethi, Rahul Gandhi.
The delegation asked the voters to choose between the loyalty to a family and loyalty to the nation. Whether, to opt for a person who is eager to preserve dynastic control over people of the area or a leader sweating it out to become the voice of voiceless and deprived sections of the society.Delegation also made the people of the constituency aware of various facts like, the civilisation symbols of Kashmir such as temples and shrines which are desecrated, their names have been changed and property also encroached. Gandhi family never visited any camp of displaced Kashmiri pandits and is now using the distorted concept of secularism to satisfy its personal interest. Also, no manifesto of political parties except BJP speaks on the issue of displaced Kashmiri Pandits.BJP Amethi candidate, Smriti Irani has been a big support to Kashmiri Pandits even before she was announced as the BJP candidate. In 2012, she was also honoured by Kashmiri community for her support to them by taking their unheard issues before the media. People of the area are also aware of AAP party’s stand on Kashmir and are not ready to trust it any more. —Bureau Report ?