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India’s Security  concerns

(Organiser, 30.3.2014); Shri Atul Sehgal has mentioned a number of issues, relating to security, in his article ‘India’s Security Concerns’ in Organiser. But he has omitted one most important issue, even more vital than all the issues put together. That issue is presence of 20 crore Muslims/Pakistanis, living in India as full fledged citizen and enjoying more powers than the Hindus. These Pakistanis were around 9 per cent in 1951, must be around 18 per cent now, and would become majority community before the end of  this century, if the things continue like this. Slowly and steadily,  their number would increase in out security forces also, making India a dangerous place for the Hindus to exist. It would be quite revealing to know, what Dr BR Ambekar, first Law Minister of India under Nehru’s government, has mentioned about the Muslims in Indian army. He writes in his book Pakistan or the Partition of India, which was published a few years before creation of Pakistan, that “If India is invaded by a foreign power, can these Muslims in the army be trusted to defend India? Suppose invaders are their co-religionists. Will the Muslims side with the invaders or will they stand against them to save India? This is very crucial question. Instead of being the guardians of Independent India, it will continue to be a menance and a potential danger to its Independence.” (See page 360-61 of the Book).  

-ANAND PRAKASH, 72/Sector-8, Panchkula:134 109


Misuse of Freedom of Speech

Akbaruding Owaisis remark (April 13, 2014) saying that 250 million Indian Muslims need only 15 minutes to show one billion Hindus who is more powerful and that he will not let India or Hindus live peacefully clearly shows that he is a street gang leader and for the good of the country he should be behind bars for life. What right has a Muslim residing in Bharat utter threats, while his place is in Pakistan? More and more preferential treatment given by the Congress has emboldened the Muslims to let their tongues go berserk. An unforseeable disaster awaits Bharat if Muslims appeasement for votes continues. Let the Hindus reflect and decide who should be at the helm—Italian, Muslim or a true Bharatiya?

-Shanta Dyuthikar, 39, 15 Cross, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru


The only solution

Secularism can be achieved either by adopting Separate Civil Code to each religion  or by adopting Uniform Civil Code applicable to all. The former is not practicable for the sole reason that  religious rights must not be allowed to override the Fundamental Rights promised by the Constitution. Religious freedom should be within certain limits without hurting the constitutional right of any other citizen and the religious rights must be within that limits. We cannot set up Hindu court, Christian court etc. as against the cardinal  principle of equality. Moreover a candidate for election is the representative of all concerned in a constituency and thereby he shall not have any special religious interest. Therefore a candidate for election must be ready to accept Uniform Civil Code and the Election Commission must get an undertaking in this regard before accepting his candidature. Uniform Civil Code is the only solution and the only way to secularism.  Its non adoption indirectly promotes communalism. 

-By email


Resigned to Reality

(Organiser, 13.4.2014);  This  refers to the cover story of Organiser ‘Resigned to Reality’  Replacing Nancy Powell by Rajiv Shah in anticipation  that Narendra Modi will be the next Prime Minister of India, and then USA would face a tough time dealing with India, we must grasp the political game played by USA, with India. This may not be new to us, since looking back during pre-Independence period, then the British (now together with USA) had played the same trick with us.  They recruited and  took our Hindus in their Army and made them fight against our own people and created a hatred between us, perhaps the same will happen with Narendra Modi and Rajiv Shah. Again looking back in our history, we can find that when Bahmani Kingdom attacked Vijaynagar Empire for the second time (first time being defeated during the reign of Krishnadevaraya) the Muslim soldiers who were a part of the Vijaynagar Empire betrayed and secretly helped the Bahamani Kingdom to overthrow Vijaynagar Empire. These are some of the few examples to show that how we Hindus were cheated and have got destroyed from ages. Hence again and again we appeal to all the Hindus to forget their cast differences, be united and alert before we perish.


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