Arvind Kumar
February 22, is on the door. This date is remembered for the unanimous resolution of the Indian Parliament on J&K. On February 22 in 1994, our Parliament declared that India has the will and capacity to firmly counter all designs against its unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity. It also declared that the state of Jammu & Kashmir has been, is and shall be an integral part of India and any attempts to separate it from the rest of the country will be resisted by all necessary means.
Nationalist people of Jammu & Kashmir, Indian Army and policy makers in the Indian Parliament are three main part of the history, present and future of Jammu-Kashmir. Starting from 1947, Indian Army and nationalists of the State never surrendered to the ill design of propagandists. Both are the victim, martyr and fighters in this case. They always have won on the ground. Their win has always been diluted by our vote seeking Parliamentarians. Their winning efforts are lost on the table of policy and politics.
You will be very sadly surprised to know that approximately 55 per cent area of the integral part of India is in illegal occupation with Pakistan and China. All this part, which could have been the reason for prosperity for nation, is being used for most dangerous anti-India plots. China and Pakistan are connected through Karakoram highway which goes through this part. China sees this part crucial for dominance in Asia and uses it for all kind of supplies including nuclear weapon which can pose a threat to India. This Indian territory is now known for its terrorist camps. Also, the business of illegal drugs is thriving to fuel terror funding. We all know the recent incident at border where a truck coming from this Pakistan illegal occupancy of Jammu-Kashmir to our side of Jammu-Kashmir found to have cocaine of more than 100 crore rupee.
Cultural, economical and Human Right condition of the Indian people living in Gilgit-Baltistan is extremely bad. People of Gilgit-Baltistan have always opposed to forced Pakistani set up and Chinese interference leading to the suppression of the locals.
Genocide of the local ethnical groups in Pakistan occupied Jammu-Kashmir (PoJK) is a common routine. Their cultural heritages are on the verge of extinction. A delegation from PoJK at the institute for defence studies and analysis in 2009 expressed their concern that Sunni majority Pakistan and communist China may exterminate the Shia majority in Gilgit-Baltistan to silence all opposition. These Indians come on roads, they organise rallies and they look at their motherland for help. But our/their media never listen to them. It’s is more busy in money making TRP.
Strong will power and strategic efficiency of the government become visible when it comes to stay in power. On the issue of Jammu-Kashmir it can be seen kneel downed to small set of propagandists. Separatist people are more active at international level than our salary sucker Ministry of Foreign Affair.
Another date of February is marked by a small set of defeated inhuman people of Talibani mentality along with some International vested interest holders and propagandists. It is February 5. They call it Kashmir solidarity day. Starting from February 5, 1990 Pakistan government observes it every year. It gets heavy support from Pakistani media and Government. As a result tens of rallies are organised by Pakistan funded organisations including internationally recognised terrorist organisations like Jamat-ud-Dawah and LeT.
In comparison with Pakistan let’s see how we get response from our media and political fraternity on coming February 22. Forgetting resolution of February 22, or taking it for granted would be the contempt of parliament of world’s largest democracy and thereby of more than a billion people. Too much concerned about human rights of stone-pelters, our media should also wake up and decide about its responsibility for the people of PoJK.They are also Indians.