Crazy Mobocracy !!
Dr Dhananjay Vaze
They are ostriches,
Hiding their heads in the sand,
Usual allegations,
By the agitators of the land!!
But times changed,
And lady luck stepped in,
Agitators became Kings,
And stole away the scene!!
Their robes changed,
But psyche remained the same,
They raid during midnight,
As they crave for populist fame!!
They are true,
With motives absolutely fair,
But kings ought to have
-finesse and shd’nt act bare!!
Agitations build,
Large castles of hope,
But with real challenges,
Administration has to cope!!
This is the reality,
Agitators have forgotten,
Have come down on streets,
To portray a ‘drama rotten’!!!
They have vouched,
To bestow ‘real democracy’,
But with their deeds,
Are perpetrating ‘mob-o-cracy’!!