Shikha Tyagi
There is something refreshing about Aam Adami Party. They are not talking traditional talks. They are talking common concerns of common man and what common man thinks of traditional political class, most of the times at the risk of being labeled as a rowdy activist. There is an innocence which finds resonance with the anguish of aam adami. No wonder that it connected with common man which eventually led to their forming the government.
Kejriwal’s movement of common man is very different from the many movements of past. Not just that, its different from even freedom movement. All these movements were political and were led by politicians, most of whom were with good educated and often affluent background.
This cannot be said for AAP MLAs, most of whom have modest background. This is where the difference lies. It’s the common man who came forward to be part of the movement called AAP which is essentially an expression of disgust against lack of governance. That AAP chose political platform to vent its anger and seek a resolution through ballot, is a testimony to the strength of democracy India has.
If there were allegations that most AAP volunteers during election were paid workers, most chairs out of 27000 that were placed in Ram Lila Maidan, on the day new Chief Minister took oath, were filled with aam adami who had come to celebrate their liberation from pawns of power.
Political class may fret about the kind of language used by Aam Adami Party activist but fact is that more the AAP is criticised, more endearing the AAP becomes to aam adami and more it takes away the aam adami from traditional political parties. It is a reflection on the collective angst and frustration of common man against the ruling elite, which propels AAP to move forward. They may come across as vagabonds but they ride on the emotions of common man.
No surprise that Congress with its experience of 125 years was quick to feel the changing mood of aam adami and decided to extend support to it in government formation. It could be a ploy also to engage the newbie in day to day affairs of running the govt which would keep them away from intense engagement in Lok Sabha elections an
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