Bottles red, blue, green and brown
All filled with “spirits” for the crown,
Closet with many such carafes – replete,
The government’s credibility does deplete!!!
From these bottles of scams & ordinance,
Is served well brewed alcohol of mis-governance,
Mixed with cool soda of corruption & nepotism,
To this government full of malicious favouritism!!!
Whole day and much of the night bathed in this concoction,
Its spokesmen go round and round in vicious confabulation,
Trying to vociferously defend the indefensible plots,
Knowingly or unknowingly tying themselves in knots!!!
With its decisions confused, jumbled and fumbled,
It makes everyone in and around puzzled,
Recently, the things became ghastly rotten,
When, one hand signed a ‘dictat’ while other tore it in open!!!
Two step backwards after a single step forward,
Government walks with a gait extremely awkward,
While it thinks that the path is easy and straight,
Just tell me, how can a drunkard control his fate?
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