Even in this case the judges of the Supreme Court when they decided to take action against the erotic delinquent judge have not mentioned his name anywhere which is an elementary duty to other judges and to the community at large nor have they resorted to the elementary rule that before criminal action is thought of an FIR to the magistrate or the police is necessary. Why this fundamental flaw? Fellow feeling and judicial brotherhood have obviously affected even the Chief Justice. Tell us the name of the suspect otherwise judges is a class suspected. How can there be a criminal proceedings or investigation without an FIR? Sitting in the Supreme Court the Criminal Procedure Code does not give you an examination of a criminal investigation without so much as an FIR. Have the judges of the highest court forgotten the first principles of criminal investigation? Pity! Who are the victims of the judge’s sexual assaults? People must know who the girl is? There is no secret for the judges from the public right to know.
Freud established beyond doubt that be you ever so high or conduct your likes and dislikes and your decisions are influenced by unwitting influences of sex. For the last two days a senior judge is alleged to have mis-conducted himself sexually with a girl in his Chambers. Today, the Judiciary is no longer the high and august body which sits in constitutional control over the executives and the Legislature. It is human and every judge is subject to the Freudian philosophy of sex domination witting or unwitting. One judge has subjected himself to Freudian aberration. How many other judges privately deviate from propriety with girls we do not know. It is a pity that one judge by his misbehaviour has bought the august body of the judiciary into suspicion. This is a terrible calamity. Punish by amending the code of judges behaviour. Judges, you may hold the highest office in the country but if sex prevails over you, you must suffer punitive consequences if they deviate from their professional excellence. The robes offer no immunity to their lordships if they commit sex delinquency. The exalted office offers no immunity to the robed brethren. Fearless independence and utter integrity are non-negotiable. Sex deviation is a terrible violation of the valour, veracity and unavailable code of conduct which binds the judges whatever their temptation or pressure.
‘Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted.’
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