Sanskrit sweeps South

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PUBLIC life in Tamil Nadu for the past six decades has been poisoned by anti-North, anti-Hindi, anti-Hindu and anti-Samskrit euphoria.  Remarkable is the attempt by Samskrita Bharati of Tamil Nadu to bring Tamil researchers and academicians on its stage the other day.  It was a literary meet held in a womens’ college in Chennai where half-a-dozen Tamil scholars expressed their anguish over the willful exclusion of Samskritam (by self-professed and politically minded Tamil enthusiasts) from the academic life.  Notable among the speakers on the occasion was Ma Ve Pasupathy, a Tamil researcher of repute, who surprised the audience with the information that many characters in Manimekalai, one of the Pancha Maha Kavya of Tamil, actually spoke in Samskritam and thus established that Samskritam is not “a dead language” as the European vested interests tried to make it.                                                  (VSK Chennai)

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