VETERAN Sangh Pracharak Shri Sitaram Kedilaya led Bharat Parikrama Yatra entered Punjab in the morning on October 27. The Yatra was received by local Sangh leaders, villagers in traditional folk style. It entered Punjab after completing successful visit to different villages of Haryana. It will travel in villages of Punjab till December 10 and on December 11 it will enter Jammu & Kashmir. The Bharat Parikrama Yatra had entered Haryana on September 24 and was in the State for 33 days. Began on August 9, 2012 from Kanyakumari, the 66 year old Sangh Pracharak Sitaram Kedilaya led Bharat Parikrama Yatra. It aims at uplifting of rural life in the villages. The Yatra has covered an approximate distance of 4,800 km.