Medical aid was provided to the victims of floods by Utkal Bipanna Sahayata Samiti in association with the Sangh swayamsevaks in remote village of Remuna, Nilgiri and Sadar blocks of Baleswar district. A total of 55 swayamsevaks coordinated the health check up camps. The patients were provided medicines, necessary advice and precautions to be taken to avoid any ailment. The number of the beneficiaries of these health activities included (under Remuna block) Haldia (144), Palsia (10), Makunda (21), Balipal (68), Pratpur (77), Raghunathpur (75), Ambikapur (52), Durgapur (50), (Nilgiri Block) Badhia (93), Gurakoili (78), Karanjia (28), Kathpal (35), Malad etc (133), Sulpat (101), Channua (199), Duburai (129), Gokulpur (79). (VSK, Odisha)