In a very embarrassing incident, Yoga guru Baba Ramdev was detained and questioned by the UK authorities on Heathrow Airport in London for more than six hours. On September 20, when Baba Ramdev landed on the Heathrow airport (London) he was detained by the immigration officers. He kept on asking for the reasons of his detention as he has done nothing illegal in his life but the British authorities kept a mum and answered nothing. His spokesman SK Tijarawala said “Swamiji was carrying only four set of clothes and a diary containing facts and figure related to his agitation and movement, and Ved mantras in Sanskrit and Hindi.”
Later on Saturday, when British Indian MP Keith Vaz intervened in the matter, Baba Ramdev was given clearance. Hundreds of supporters of Baba Ramdev gathered outside the airport to protest against his insulting detention. Speaking to reporters Baba Ramdev said that he has a doubt that Indian Government misguided the UK authorities which lead to his detention. “I was told there was a red alert attached to my name, which is only linked with terrorists and criminals” said Baba Ramdev.