(Organiser, 25.8.2013); This refers to the editorial ‘Competitive Communalism on Rampage’ in Organiser. There is no doubt, that Communalism and Muslim vote-bank politics started by Congress has spread so much, that practically all political parties, excluding BJP, are practicing it, and there is stiff competition to appease Muslims. There is a big reason, that Muslims get readily polarised towards those political parties, which do undue favour to them on communal lines. This is against our Indian Constitution, which is binding on all potitical parties. Since BJP does not do undue appeasement of Muslims, it is branded as anti-Muslim, Hindu communal party by all anti-Hindu self styled seculars. On the other hand, Hindus are so much directionless and politically unconscious, that nobody bothers about them, and are therefore the worst sufferes in their own homeland, i.e. truncated India. Here it maybe added, that even during British rule, there was no ban on restriction on Hindus to float their own political party to look after their interests, and Hindu Mahasabha was there, although it did not get much support from the public. But in so-called truncated free India, Hindus are prohibited to from their political party, and Hindu Mahasabha remained banned for years, till it gave an explanation in the court, that Hinduism is not a religion, but a way of life. It could be seen that Hindus had much more freedom during British rule, than what is available now in so-called free India. We cannot call our self as a free nation, unless Hindus have the freedom to from political parties.
Anand Prakash, 72/Sector-8, Panchkula: 134 109
Bharatiyas suffering under Congress Mr PM your hand symbol has no meaning to your belligerent neighbour. You very well know who is funding the insurgents and the force behind these emboldened extremists. They are out to create confusion unrest and fear; their dare devilry of killing our jawans, firing seven thousand rounds is despicable. How can you extend your hand of friendship and talk of peace and negotiations. Don’t you love and respect your jawans? We Bharatiyas have suffered due to this weak government for ten years. We are reeling under inflation, injustice corruption and watching helplessly the elite stuffing their pockets with ill-gotten wealth. A fitting reply should be given by patriotic Bharatiyas during the next elections. Cut off the hands (!!) that have failed to give economic security, fair distribution of wealth and above all choose a government that is caring, stable peaceful and a democratic one.
Shanta Dyuthikar, 39, 13 Cross, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru:3
Pak’s misadventure vs Indian nationalism Again, the killing of five Indian soldiers in the Poonch Sector of J&K near LoC on August 6th is another misadventure and misdemeanour of Pakistan’s Army after beheading of Indian soldiers in January 2013. The nation is left wailing with anguish but the UPA government reflecting its weak character against the enemy, presumably possessing soft corner for Pakistan due to obvious reasons did nothing to check the advancement of Pakistan. On the other hand, nationalism has been dubbed as jingoism by some media men, pseudo-secularists and culturists despite India is still left bleeding for the last 66 years by Pakistan. In these circumstances it seems very difficult to deal with Pakistan unless all the nationalistic forces unite to fight against the enemy and also the protagonists of Indo-Pak friendship and the pro-Pak elements inside Indian entity. Understandably, peace can never coexist between the two nations as religiously ruthless and with an anti-Indian tirade, having three wars with India just in five decades and now a neuclear Pakistan possessing parity militarily and diplomatically, lurking for another strike, will never let it happen till it trounces India. How long we will go on chanting Indo-Pak peace talks.
D Verma, Lucknow
Jihadis on killing spree in Tamil Nadu(Organiser, 4.8.2013); Aprops ‘Jihadis on killing spree in Tamil Nadu’ in ‘News Round-Up’, Organiser. Murderous attack on activists of Sangh Parivar in Tamil Nadu, dates back to early 1980s. Starting from the attack on Jana Krishnamurthy and Thirukkoviloor Sundaram of the BJP near Coimbatore. The murderous attack on Rama Gopalan at Madurari Railway Station and the attack on L Ganesan at Tanjore should also to be taken note of. The polically motivated violence in Tamil Nadu cannot be brushed aside as a new phenomenon. Even though RSS work is basically a constructive work for the betterment of the whole society. There are some people and organisations who put hinderance in its activities. I am sure that the society will understand the selfless sacrifice of RSS workers some day.
Varatharaajan Rangaswamy, National College, Tiruchirapalli (Trichy)
Why to blame BJP? Those blaming the BJP for the communal disturbances in Jammu and Kashmir should first ponder over the following points: 1 While applying for an Indian passport who mentioned his nationality as Kashmiri Muslim? 2 Who proposed that Pakistani currency should be allowed to be circulated along with the Indian rupee in the J & K Valley? 3 While there have been Muslim Chief Ministers in a number of States across the country, can the Special Status State would ever see a Hindu as CM? 4 Why a former C M of that state was arrested under the then Defence of India Rules, and under what type of offence?
Arun Malankar, arun_malankar@rediffmail.com
Ayodhya: Resurrecting the Lost World(Oraganiser 18.8.2013);Hats off to Meenakshi Jain for boldly exposing the left historians’ communal agenda and at the same time justfying academically the faith of a billion people. There is no doubt that that this is the best work so far supporting the case for temple at Ayodhya. Hon’able Supreme must go through the book before it decides the appeal against the High Court dicision This book is sure to become a landmark in nationalist historiography. Being from Delhi University, where speaking for the Ram temple is a sin, one can understand that she has to swim against the tide. Swadesh Singh also deserves to be praised for writing a superb review piece.
Chander Pal Singh Ghaziabad
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