Interestingly, officials have been told not to disclose to the media about the relief material being sent by Narendra Modi. Due to this, they have been asked to unload such kits at the Harrawala station and sent the material immediately to the affected areas.
This figure is enough to explain how much the quantity of relief material from Gujarat was. Sources said the State Government had received around 40,000 such packets. More or less, everyday they were receiving two bogies of relief material from Gujarat.
Uttarakhand BJP in-charge Radha Mohan Singh alleged that the Congress-led Uttarakhand Government was doing politics over it. When the Congress sends relief material, they have been sticking AICC president Sonia Gandhi’s and vice president Rahul Gandhi’s pamphlets on the parcel, but they have been removing the Gujarat Government stickers from the packets.
Interestingly, Congress leaders and workers have been making all efforts to dump such kits at their houses or their relative’s houses. “It shows they don’t want to provide relief to the affected people which are being sent from Gujarat.” “It has ascertained our claim that the State Government is doing politics on the issue,” Shri Radha Mohan Singh said.
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