The art of making effective presentations

In today?s electronic world, it is has become increasingly important for us to master the art of creating compelling presentations. Presentations are an effective way of getting our views across to people.

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In today’s electronic world, it is has become increasingly important for us to master the art of creating compelling presentations. Presentations are an effective way of getting our views across to people.

Here is a list of some key ideas that you need to keep in mind for designing extraordinary presentations:

Be passionate about your message

You can’t convince others with your message, if you are yourself unconvinced. So you have to begin by learning everything you can about the subject and convincing yourself about the message. Once you develop sufficient amount of passion for the message, it will get reflected in the presentation that you create.

Use theme that is in line with your message

These days most people use PowerPoint to create their presentations. The PowerPoint programme offers many themes, which automatically create a right look for your presentations. A theme is a coordinated set of fonts, colours, and graphic effects that you can apply to your entire document with just a click.

Get audience to focus on you

If you put too much material on the slides, then it is possible that the audience may not be able to focus on what you are saying. You have to keep in mind that any effective presentation has two components in it – the slides and the speaker. For best effect, you have to make the audience retain focus on both, the slides and the speaker. 

Be precise

More than anything else, it is verbosity can kill a presentation. If all you want to do is present the entire set of facts and figures, then you might as well file a long written report. A presentation is meant to focus only on the most critical areas and it has to precise enough to send out a clear message. Mark Twain is credited with this quote – “If I had more time I would write a shorter letter.”

Use graphics to communicate key points

A well-chosen chart or diagram can often conveys much more to your audience than can boring bulleted text. The good thing is that nowadays it is quite easy to embellish your presentation with graphics and even animations that can drive home the point that you want to make. But you should not go overboard with graphics and animations or you will risk overwhelming your audience.

What do you want your audience to think?

You should have a clear idea of the thoughts or feelings that you want to inspire in your audience. So you have to begin your presentation by trying to engage the minds of your audience. The opening lines that you speak, and the first slides that you show must be capable of engaging the audience at every level.

Be ready to answer the questions

An effective presentation will always end with a Q&A session. You have to be well informed about the topic in order to provide correct answers to all the questions that maybe put to you. However, if you don’t know something, you can politely tell the audience that you will get back to them as soon as you have the answer.

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