Arunachal Pradesh unit of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) expressed concern over the missing of the state from India’s map in Maharashtra Education Board’s Geography textbook for Class X students. The book shows the state as part of China since it is situated along the India-China border. In a statement issued on May 17 BJP state president Ta Tagak termed it highly unfortunate and embracing which hurt the sentiments of inborn patriotic people of Arunachal Pradesh. The Maharashra Board’s blunder, published and printed in some 17 lakh copies, came at a time when an escalation in tension along the border has put relations between India and China on a knife’s edge.
Shri Ta Tagak said the Education department of the Congress and Nationalist Congress Party alliance Government in Maharashtra committed a blunder and such a thing cannot be termed to a mere error on the burning national issue related to our sovereignty, national integration and solidarity. The issue stalled parliament after the Chinese embassy claims over the territory of Arunachal Pradesh ahead of the state visit of the then Chinese Hu Zintao during the year 2006 and remain unresolved.
He said showing the territory of Arunachal Pradesh a part of the territory of Republic of China is an unpardonable mistake and huge blunder by the State Government of Maharashtra where the Congress and NCP alliance is running government there. This not only aggravates the border tension between India and China but also weakens our international stand as far as the unity and integrity of our nation is concerned, the State President further observed. The state BJP is taking up with the central leadership, the President has said.
Several mega corporations have also misplaced Arunachal Pradesh in the maps.They have taken up this with the Government of India time and again for the center’s intervention. The State governments in the country are also well aware of the Indo-Chinese boundary dispute issue in Arunachal Pradesh and Aksai Chin in Jammu & Kashmir and intrusions taking place, the statement said.
“The BJP Arunachal Pradesh views very serious for the increasing incidents of Arunachal Pradesh reportedly missing from the map of the country misdirecting in the younger generations through such textbooks in the schools and universities besides corporate worlds and terms the Centre’s handling the issue in question before every patriotic songs and daughters of the mother India although there may be differences and the strength of nation lies in the Unity in diversity,” the statement added.
The BJP Arunachal Pradesh while seriously condemning over such ignorance on the part of the higher authorities, who are supposed to educate and guide the new generation in proper direction, and terms this a huge irresponsible on the part of Congress-NCP alliance State Govt. in Maharashtra, demands sacking of the Minister for Education of that state followed with the withdrawal of this erroneous textbooks immediately and the issue be thoroughly investigated and responsibility be fixed. It is because of such ignorance and irresponsibility our people of Northeastern states especially of the hill states are treated as foreigners in our own country and called “DAJU” in south and “CHINKIS” in North that badly hurts them as they very much patriotic sons and daughters of our country. Much has to be done in every field and through people to people contacts; and a state government in Arunachal Pradesh which is responsive and committed to good governance through good politics and in the larger interest of the state and its people headed by dynamic leadership backed by organised and disciplined party organisation can do much more better in the fast changing cut throat competition world, the statement added.
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