He said on Tamil new year’s (April 14), some miscreants disrupted the public meeting organised by Hindu Munnani at ATC grounds, Nilgiris. The police intervened and expelled the groups. Outraged Muslims brutally attacked the district secretary Shri Manjunath, who was returning home after the meeting. Shri Manjunath, who got several head injuries, is in an intensive care unit at a private hospital in Coimbatore. Hindu Munnani called for a bandh on April 15 and five Muslims of TMMK (Muslim outfit) namely Riaz (28), Faizal (27), Abdul Rahman (38), Imtiaz (24), pairoz (20) were arrested.
Following this incident, Coonor unit of Hindu Munnani called for a protest. While the Hindu Munnani volunteers were pasting banners on the walls, hundreds of Muslims started attacking the volunteers with sharp weapons ferociously. Police intervened and arrested 12 Muslims of TMMK. Five volunteers had several head injuries and are admitted in the private hospital. Hariharan, who suffered multiple head injuries, is in critical condition.
Enumerating on the attacks on Hindu activists by Muslim fanatics the Hindu Munnani said on November 6, 2012, Tiruppur district secretary S Anand was attacked brutally by Muslim outfit and he is still not normal in his day-to-day life. No legal action has been taken till date against the culprits. Similarly, at some places of Coimbatore, where Muslims are majority in number, Hindus are denied the right to worship. Kottaimedu, Ukkadam, Al-ameen Colony, Selvapuram, Kuniyamuttur, Attupaalam are the areas of Hindu-Muslim conflicts. No legal action is taken by the Government officials in this regard.
Petrol Bomb was thrown on the house of Arjun Sampth, Hindu Makkal Katchi at Coimbatore. During Ganesh Chaturthi festival in 2010, areas of Ukkadam, Kuniyamuttur, Madhukarai, Mettupalayam, Selvapuram witnessed attacks by Muslim Outfits. One Hindu Munnani volunteer was brutally attacked.
Chronology of major attacks
30.8.1989: Hindu Munnani secretary Veera Ganesh was killed in Coimbatore.
05.09.1971: Coimbatore Hindu Munnani secretary Sivakumar was brutally murdered in broad daylight near his house.
15.4.1995: BJP district leader of Coimbatore was killed.
31.12.1995: Hindu Munnani volunteer Karthikeyan was killed in Mettupalayam, Coimbatore.
31.01.1997: Auto driver Regupathy was killed following the clashes in Coimbatore.
3.2.1997: A retired teacher, who was taking rest near saw-mill (just for the reason having applied Vibhuti and Kumkum on his forehead) was killed.
01.9.1997: Mahendran, Arunachalam, Ramesh and Rajni were killed on the same day in different places of Coimbatore.
02.09.1997: Trikmara Ram, Moorty, Murugan were killed at different locations.
1997: Kottai Ameer who opposed these brutal actions by Muslims was killed at Ukkadam. (State government has now introduced Kottai Ameer Communal Harmony Award).
1997: Jailer Boopalan of Coimbatore jail was killed.
29.11.1997: Traffic policemen Selvaraj who pointed out the mistake done by the Muslim youth was brutally killed at Ukkadam.
28.3.2002: RSS Pracharak Murugesan was killed in Kuniyamuttur, near his residence. According to the list, 17 people (including one Muslim) have been killed by the terrorists.
1982: In a public meeting of BJP, Jana Krishnamurthi, Narayana Rao, Tirukkovilur Sundaram, D R Gopalan were severely attacked by the Muslim outfits.
18.07.1984: In Madurai, Sri Rama Gopalan, Founder of Hindu Munnani, was brutally attacked by Al Umma, a Muslim outfit. He miraculously escaped from death.
1988: Narayanan, Sakthidasan, Swaminathan had a miraculous escape from the attacks at Coimbatore-Tyagi Kumaran market.
31.12.1995: Hindu Munnani sympathiser Dr. Hiriyan of Mettupalayam was attacked in his clinic. He survived with injuries.
Moreover, after the demise of Traffic Policemen Selvaraj, police personnel demanded for protection. Following series of riots, many lives were lost on both sides.
14.2.1998: Series of Bomb blasts were held targeting BJP leader Advani who was on his visit to a public meeting at Coimbatore. 60 people were killed including 46 innocent Hindus.
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