DEVESH, New Delhi
A different counterterrorism set-up needed (Organiser, 10.3.2013); This refers to the article ‘A different counterterrorism set-up needed’, by Ram Madhav in Organiser. No doubt, that if there is terrorism, it has to be fought in the best possible manner, and he has explained it very nicely. But all this is temporary solution. How long we would continue to fight like this? This Islamic terrorism is a permanent phenomena, and no measures to counter it are making India bleed badly. He has very correctly mentioned three sources of Islamic terrorism. Pakistan, Bangladesh and the home-grown terror. And the root cause of Islamic terror is the teachings of Islam. These teachings of hatred in Islam precipitate in the shape of Pakistan in 1947, a homeland exclusively meant for the Muslims of entire undivided India. The remaining truncated India was meant to be a homeland exclusively for the Hindus and non-Muslims. Dr B R Ambedkar had very bluntly mentioned in his book Pakistan or the Partition of India on page-325, that “Islam can never allow a true Muslim to adopt India as his motherland and regard a Hindu as his kith and kin.” Thus even as per Dr Ambedkar, the internal home-grown terror is the most dangerous. The external terrorism from Pakistan and Bangladesh will never be successful, if there are no Muslims in India to mix up with and help Muslim terrorist from outside. Thus the root cause of Islamic terrorism is twenty crore Muslims living in India, who should have been sent to Pakistan in 1947, as per scheme of Jinnah and Muslim League to whom they all supported and voted in 1945-46 elections. Thus exchange of population is the only permanent solution to this problem of three sources of terror.
ANAND PRAKASH, 72/Sector-8, Panchkula-134 109
SC’s judgment will save life of millions Kudo’s to the Supreme Court’s judement for rejecting the pharma giant Novartis AG’s plea to preserve its patent right over a life-saving cancer drug called Glivec. The judgment has given a relief to thousands of patients in India and in dozens of developing countries as the fear of an almost 15-fold escalation of drugs costs receded. Glivec invented in 1991 is a miracle cure for a type of blood cancer called Chronic Myeloid Leukemia(CML). India has an estimated three lakh CML patients with 20,000 added every year. The drug was sold by Novartis for about rupees 1.2 lakh whereas Indian manufacturers sell the same drug at a cost of rupees 8,000.
MAYA, Delhi
Modi gets US invitation ‘Modi gets US invite’; ‘Lawmakers invite Narendra Modi’. What about all the secularists who were rejoicing that Narendra Modi had been refused a visa? This news will leave the Congress red faced. Does this news sound depressing for the Congress? The refusal to give Narendra Modi a visa provided a handy stick for the gleeful Congress to wield it on the BJP. Congress seems to have forgotten what happened in the recent elections in Gujarat. They were walloped for the third time by the BJP. The ideological force of the RSS should back the BJP, strengthen its hands and establish ‘Dharma’ in Bharat to show that Hindutva and not seculartva which is needed most at this hour when a crisis of character has overtaken the country. Hindu nationalist movement should mow down the tainted hand.
SHANTA DYUTHIKAR, 39, 15 Cross Malleshwaram, Bengaluru
World’s first Kamdhenu Cow Sanctuary to come up in Madhya Pradesh(Organiser, 13.1.2013); This refers to a special report titled ‘World’s first Kamadhenu Cow Sanctuary to come up in Madhya Pradesh’ in Organiser. We were amazed to learn that such a sanctuary is coming up exclusively for cows,first of its kind in the world. This project shall be an standing example for the rest of the country in preserving our country heritage and culture. There is a ardent need to propagate and educate people about the importance of the cow-culture in survival of the mankind, even to the educated lot. To most of the people,what all they know is the ‘Milk’ that we obtain from cow for which we have to preserve this animal. But perhaps people have lost track of the fact that actually it is foremost for the organic farming that we have to protect cow, which has been supporting our country’s agricultural culture since thousands of years and also a big supporter of the eco-cycle. Besides its benefits of its medicated milk and gou-mutra. We wish that every State should follow the footsteps of Madhya Padesh and should develop and bring up such cow sanctuary in co-ordination and support of their respective State governments. This will not only help in preserving our cows but also provide a shelter for the destitute animal.
Coming end of steel production? (Organiser, 10.3.2013); The article ‘Coming end of steel production?’ by Shri MV Kamath in Organiser bring out effectively the unthinking rate at which the world is consuming steel and bringing down the earth’s stock of iron ore. The production of steel at present is said to be about 900 Million Metric Tonnes (MMT) by China, 420 MMT by Australia, 370 MMT by Brazil, 260 MMT by India and by Russia about 100 MMT. Besides this about 11 other countries also produce steel. If the world goes on using the iron ore resources at the present rate it is likely to get exhausted in the foreseeable future, perhaps in half a century or so. If we add to this the unaccounted iron ore being illegally mined and exported in illegal ways, we are cheating ourselves in reckless abandon. Not only iron ore, mankind is also using up the earth’s many resources unthinkingly not caring how long they will last. Advanced countries which use up most of the earth’s resources must lead the war in the conservation process, by limiting consumption. Above all, water, whose availability is fast diminishing needs to be conserved all over the world. Conservation of mother earth’s bountiful resources, over which future generation have an equal claim, cannot be exhausted by the present occupants
CBD Rao,39, 15th Cross Road, Malleshwaram,
Bengaluru-560 003
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