A self-improvement guide

THIS self-help book provides inspirational answers to the question, ?Am I really living the best possible life I could?? Combining traditional with new techniques

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Nidhi Mathur

Pearls of Wisdom, Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff and Chris and Janet Attwood et al., Jaico Books, Pp 205, Rs 195.00

THIS self-help book provides inspirational answers to the question, “Am I really living the best possible life I could?” Combining traditional with new techniques, affirmations, theories, meditations and practices to guide readers on facing the struggles of daily life, the authors show the path on how to deal with their current situation to reach a higher and enlightened life from mere daily existence. Presented in the form of short essays, this book is a compilation in which the essays are presented by various upcoming self-help motivators to help bring about a positive life change.

Janet Bray and Chris Attwood are of the view that whenever you are faced with a choice, a decision, or an opportunity, you should choose in favour of your passions, which they call the “secret that guarantees a passionate life.” They say, “What you love and God’s will for you is one and the same.” By consistently choosing in favour of your passions, you will find that you have the courage to live a fulfilled, successful life, one step or one huge leap at a time. “As you grow in trust, more and more, you’ll find that you are able to say yes to bigger and greater passions.”

Marci Shimoff stresses the importance of growing in self-love by following three basic principles. First, practicing self-care by doing the most loving thing you can do, that is, drinking a glass of water or taking a walk outside. Second, if stuck in self-criticism, think of yourself as a different person to what you are, that is, look upon yourself more kindly; third, practicing self-expression. If possible, every month ask for something or express yourself in such a way that stretches you slightly. Marci says that because your emotions are contagious, when you love and care for yourself, “others around you catch your love.”

Wendy Beyer, a colon hydrotherapist, believes the best way to de-stress is to relax by stopping all activity, taking a deep breath and turning on to your body. All you need is to laugh at yourself or watch a movie or dance on the roof to release your pent-up emotions. Do whatever it is that shifts your perspective and vibrations, even if only for a few minutes. This gives a sort of neutrality and a sense of trust and flow that could have been missing earlier.

By implementing at least some, if not all the ideas present in the book, you can alter your life in a truly meaningful way, thus revealing the pearl that is within you.

(Jaico Books, A-2 Jash Chambers, 7-A Sir Phirozshah Mehta Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001; www.jaicobooks.com)

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