34 Zeliangrong Heraka Conference held in Assam

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Jagdamba Mall
THE 34th Conference of Zeliangrong Heraka Association (North-East Bharat) was held on  January 20  and 21, 2013 at Kepeilo village in Dima Hasao district of Assam, some 150 km from Haflong town. The 1,500 delegates from 32 villages of Assam, 14 villages of Nagaland and 2 villages of Manipur confluenced here for deep musing about past, present and future course of action.

Speaking as chief guest, Shri Pai Dawe, Vice President, Nyishi Indigenous Faith & Culture Society, Arunachal Pradesh and Executive Engineer, Soil Conservation & water Resource Department, said, “ I am amused to see this assembly wherein youths – the vital section of the society, are enthusiastically and actively participating.

Once the youths are motivated and activated, the society is promoted and elevated.” He said further that we janjati are very simple and life is very transparent. We speak what we do and we do what we say. We worship nature which is mother of us all. We worship sun, moon and earth which keeps on giving without making any discrimination to anyone and without expecting anything in return. We believe in co-existence and as per the central theme of ours, we know how to give without expecting anything in return. While narrating the need of improvement and reformation in ancient religions he explained that Heraka was a reformed religion preached and promoted by Haipou Jadonang and Rani Ma Gaidinliu who had discarded many irrelevant practices. Similarly, such reformation is also taking place in Arunachal Pradesh as well. The tradition of animal sacrifice is slowly and gradually being discarded. The use of liquor and rice beer is also being minimised with an aim of total prohibition. The infrastructure of organisation is suitably improved and strengthened. While drawing attention of the audience Shri Dawe cautioned that there was a looming danger of conversion launched by Christian missionaries. The society particularly the youths are required to be awakened and activated to meet the missionary menace.

“I would like to recall that we are very fortunate to be born in holy and divine land of Bharatvarsh whose civilisation is most ancient and most scientific. We have to preserve, protect and promote it so that the future generation is not deprived of such cultural treasure”, said Shri Dawe. He said further that Naga forefathers were described by Christian missionaries as head-hunter, dirty and worshipper of Satan and evil spirits. Was it correct? Are you a progeny of head-hunter and worshipper of evilspirits? In fact headhunting was symbol of bravery and victory in the war against enemy but Christian missionaries described it as satanic tradition. The missionaries did with a malafide intension to look down Naga society as heathen, pagan and Satan so that conversion would become easier in the name of bring a new dawn of unique civilisation which was nothing but Christianisation. Now time has come for you to ask to yourself whether you are true son of your forefathers. Undoubtedly, you are true sons of your forefathers and that is why you must come forward to re-dedicate yourself for preservation, protection and promotion of age-old eternal religion and eternal culture which is fast getting polluted due to conversion and westernisation in the name of modernisation. In this context, Shri Dawe added further that IAS and other high-ranking officers from Janjati communities should work honestly to deliver good to the society whose noble deeds would keep on inspiring the future generation to contribute in nation building. While concluding his speech Shri Pai Dawe recalled the greatness of Haipou Jadonang and Rani Ma Gaidinliu and asked the Heraka youths to emulate the ideals setforth by these two great freedom fighters and divine souls.

While speaking on the occasion, Shraddha Jagaran Pramukh Shri  Ramesh Babu said that Heraka religion is the most ancient and most scientific religion and  best suited to Zeliangrong community propounded by Haipou Jadonang and Rani Ma.

The others who highlighted the different aspects of Heraka religion and its greatness were Shri Ramanand Sharma, Seva Pramukh VHP, Shri Ulhas Kulkarni, Kshetra Pracharak, Shri Pankaj Sinha, Vidya Bharati, Ms. Tasile N. Zeliang, Shri Ramkuiji, Shri Tanzanji and many more.  The meritorious students from Heraka community were felicitated with Certificate of Merit and cash prizes by chief guest while former sepoys of Rani Army were honoured with Certificate of Honour and a traditional blanket by President Shri Ramkuiji. The conference was marked by dance competition and cultural programmes.

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