Shinde speak on BJP, RSS terror camps a canard (Organiser, 17.2.2013); An atmosphere of suspicion has come up in the minds of patriotic people of Bharat. They want to know and ascertain about the exact status of Sushilkumar Shinde. They want to know whether he is Home Minister of India or of Pakistan or an agent of a terrorist outfit. The said suspicion has been endorsed by his recent delirium comments made on patriotic organisations like the RSS and BJP during his party’s conclave held in Jaipur. According to him both the RSS and the BJP are promoting terrorism in their camps. It appears that he was in an inebriety state while making such condemnable comments. I would like to ask him that whether he verified the facts before making such baseless statements. And if the information as said by him is correct why his department didn’t took any action against BJP and RSS. But nothing was done by him or his department. RSS has been conducting its daily shakhas openly under the shadow of holy Bhagava flag which is a symbol of sacrifice. Programme ends after prayer of motherland and the slogan Bharatmata ki jai. Both Pakistan and LET have welcomed and commended Shinde’s comment on RSS and BJP. It was joyous news for them.
SRIDHAR V KULKARNI, Kalyan (West), 421 301, Maharashtra
India in an ongoing social revolution (Organiser, 3.2.2012); ‘India in an ongoing social revolution’, by Shri MV Kamath in Organiser. Is Congress not different today than what it was in 1947? When Shri Mohan Bhagwat opined that rape cases in Bharat are rare as compared to India, Congress raised hue and cry on the roads and alleged Shri Bhagwat to have divisive mentality. They were completely unmindful of the fact that this type of divisiveness is not invented by Shri Bhagwat. These words India vs Bharat are being used by erudites on TV debates and journalist in their articles to pinpoint India for ‘Progressive’, and Bharat for ‘Retrograde’. On January 26, 2013, ‘India TV channel’ highlighted the difference between Bharat and India. In Bharat: In villages, people rise up early in the morning, lead a simple life, eat pure traditional and self-cooked food, mostly do physical work all the day, and sleep at nine o’ clock at night. Whereas in India: People in metros or cities rise late in the morning, eat fast and junk food, always are in tension, pass their day mostly disturbed, and nights in clubs and pubs. HH Shankaracharya of Puri blamed western culture for rape cases (Indian Express, 17.1.2013).
Shri Shri Ravishankar in an interview on ‘News X TV channel’ said that their are no cases of divorce in rural life. Lord Meghnad Desai, in his article ‘Bharat vs Hindustan’ Indian Express, 2,2013, writes on Shri Bhagwat’s reaction on rape case as anti-urban, anti-modern, and anti-women. He lauded Rahul Gandhi for using the word Hindustan rather than Bharat in Congress Chintan Shivir at Jaipur, as brand Bharat has been contaminated by RSS. What a bizarre statement? Bharat is a word used in our Constitution for our country, and RSS shakhas or functions end up their prayer with a call Bharatmata ki jai. So Lord Desai must introspect, whether present Congress is Gandhian?
HS MEHTANI, 89/7 East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-26
Hinduism a way of life (Organiser, 20.1.2013); Apropos of Shri BK Chaudhari’s comments on my letter published in the esteemed weekly earlier (Organiser, 20.1.2013). In my humble estimation the learned writer had very hurriedly passed these comments. By the martial tribes and races, I meant the descendants of Genghis Khan, the war lord of Mongolia, namely Holaghu and Tammerlane who devastated Persian and Abbasside Muslim empires. During the 13th century (1257 AD), the Mongols had attacked the north-west Indian borders, but their attacks were repulsed by the then Muslim rulers of India. The devastation of Delhi and the massacre of the people of Punjab and Delhi (Irrespective of creed and religion) at the hands of Tammerlane was horrible. Even Nadershah of Persian was also a cruel despot. They were all ‘Muslims’ for name sake only. Muslim historians have also condemned their behaviour. On the other hand Muslim rulers like Naseeruddin Mohamood Shah, Balbon, Shershah Suri, Auarangzeb were magnanimous, just and able who contributed tremendously for the welfare of their Indian subjects. Hence one should not be dismayed by rare examples of cruelty and misbehaviour and denigrate the religion to which they nominally or ‘sincerely’ belonged!
ATM ANWAR, 2-7-499, Purani Haveli, Hyderabad-500 002
Nation will prosper only if farmer is well off (Organiser, 3.2.2013); This refers to the article ‘Nation will prosper only if farmer is well off’ in Organiser. Even after more than half a century of our country’s Independence, we are not well equipped, organised with agricultural techniques and facilities. This can be no less disgusting and a national shame for a agricultural country like India. When our country has taken a long stride in science and technology making a vast exploration and research in a field like space technology, it is a pity that we have miserably neglected the agricultural scenario which makes the basic commodity of living . Looking at the ratio of our one per cent budget against the agricutural population of 60 per cent, shows how pathetically we have neglected our agriculture.
Subsidised loan, water and electricity, agricultural insurance, integrated farming, permanent drought relief camps in every taluk, organic farming, counselling, etc are couple of such measures that any State government should adopt and apply to ensure the goodwill of the farmer and agriculture. But instead we introdced FDI in retail which is adding salt to the injury. Except a few states such as Punjab,Harayana,Gujarat etc.none of the the states in our country have taken any serious steps to protect the interests of the farmers. Here I would like to recollect the slogan of our late Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri—Jai jawan!jai kisan!.
Man-made calamity Nowhere else in the world so many millions of Hindu devotees gather to offer rituals as at Kumbh, Allahabad. And every time the arrangements are not only inadequate but abysmally disgraceful because of lackadaisical approach both by the Central and State government. Perpetrators of this callow, callous, willful and incomprehensible approach towards the Hindu devotees deserve death penalty for murder of so many innocent devotees. It is no different from killing of devotees by burning them alive in Godhra Express. Random lathi-charge by irresponsible and callous police men only added fuel to injury.
TUSAR KANTI KAR, 14/3/1, Sribash Dutta Lane, Howrah:-711 101.