Modi has accomplished the impossible

Our friend Narendra Modi has done the impossible. He has not only scored a hat-trick by winning Gujarat polls thrice in a row, but has also killed three birds with one stone.

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Dr Jay Dubashi
Our friend Narendra Modi has done the impossible. He has not only scored a hat-trick by winning Gujarat polls thrice in a row, but has also killed three birds with one stone. He has sounded the death-knell of the dynasty, he has made the secular crowd look so foolish they have lost their voice, and he has prepared the ground for a strong NDA government led by BJP at the Centre next year. And he has done all this in a swift blow that has taken everybody by surprise, and also without compromising any of his principles.

Take the dynasty first. After its massive rout in Gujarat, it does not have a leg to stand on. Some foolish people like Chidambaram – whose stupidity is actually responsible for the rout – have said that since the BJP tally is down by two seats while that of his party is up by an equal number, the Congress has won, not BJP. If this is their arithmetic, God help them in the next poll. If after three elections in a row, Chidambaram’s party can manage to increase its tally by just three or four seats, it will take them a whole century to defeat the BJP, and by which time we will all be dead!

The Congressmen have yet to realise, so mesmerised were they by the dynasty’s false prowess, that it is the dynasty itself that is responsible for their rout, and if they have to win again, not just in Gujarat, but in the coming general elections next year, they have to got rid of the dynasty for their own good. Some Congressmen, and along with them, some foolish media people, are going round saying that the next bout of the Centre is going to be between Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi, which is ridiculous and a sure formula for defeat, since the young Gandhi has been a dismal failure whenever and wherever he has approached the voters, whether in Bihar, UP, and now, Gujarat, and the story will repeat itself at the Centre too, which is the poor man’s destiny!

Not to put too fine a point to it, the man is a dud and will never amount to anything. He is incapable of enthusing his troops, for he has nothing to say, either for himself or his party. How this man will face a seasoned and principled man like Narendra Modi or any other BJP man, is beyond me.

Let the Congressmen sit down and ask themselves: What has the dynasty done for the party, let alone the country, which it professes to lead? It has over the years become a cesspool of corruption, for just as fish rots from the head, corruption also begins at the top and spreads downwards. The Congressmen  must realise, especially after the defeat in Gujarat, that it is they who are keeping the dynasty going, not the other way round. Remember that the Congress is a hundred and thirty years old organisation with all the accumulated wisdom that goes with it. Why should it need the crutches of a foreigner and her brood to carry on its business? The problems facing the Congress are problem created by the dynasty, and the longer the party takes to get rid of it, the more its problem will mount.

This is the real lesson of the Gujarat poll, not that somebody has won and somebody has lost. Unless the Congress stands on its own two legs and begins to fight its own battles, as it used to do until it was taken over by the dynasty, it has no future. If the Gujarat poll means anything at all, it is that time has come for the Congress to dump the dynasty and take the matter into it own hands, as it is happening all over the world where a new leadership is taking over from the old fossils in order to face the new world.
So, the first lesson of Gujarat is, dump the dynasty.

The second lesson is that the secular crowd of pundits who cry hoarse every evening on TV and who have been shouting all these years for Modi’s head have completely lost face. They called him by all sorts of names, the kind of names that would make even Hitler blush. Acutally, the boot is on the other foot. It was they who were using Hitler’s tactics to malign Modi and ultimately crucify him.

Hitler used his propaganda machine to accuse the Jews of everything under the sun, before sending them to gas chambers. He said they had betrayed the fatherland and worked against the country. He said they were clannish and therefore unreliable and should be done away with. And he proceeded to crucify them, literally, by dispatching them to concentration camps and destroy them, without an iota of evidence against them. Give a dog a bad name and hang him – and that is precisely what the Nazis did in the case of Jews.

The secular crowd, led by the pundits who shout every evening on the telly like crows, did or tried to do the same here. They are still at it, and totally shameless about it. They are also abetted by some newspapers with large circulations. They had no proof and still have no proof. But you repeat a lie, in Hitlerite fashion day after day, night after night, the lie begins looking like truth. They were shameless about it. This is what the fascists were very good at and the secular crowd in India was equally shameless at it, repeating the lie day after day, for ten years.

This crowd was at it to the last day. They said that Narendra Modi had not put up a single Muslim candidate and had offered nothing to Muslim voters. Why should they expect Muslims to vote only for Muslims, and Hindus only for Hindus? Why can’t Muslims vote for Hindus and vice-versa? This shows  the perverse mind-set of the secular crowd – the mind-set that expects Muslims to vote only for Muslims, and Hindus only for Hindus. And this mindset they call secular!

Let me now come to the third point – the coming poll in 2014. Already all kinds of calculations have begun – so many votes here and so many votes there, and who will vote for Brahmins and who will vote for Patels and Dalits, as if these people vote like sheep, Brahmins on one side and Patels and Dalits on the other, not to speak of Hindus and Muslims and Christians. In Gujarat, all the Patels did not vote one way, and all the Dalits and others the other way. For the first time, because of the way Modi and his colleagues rose above caste and similar equations, the voters voted for BJP and its nationalist agenda. India is after all one country and Indians are one people and they are increasingly voting for and against economic and social issues, not caste-based purely political issues.

This is the big change which the economic revolution we have been going through in the last two decades has wrought. Indians are increasingly voting as Indians first and every thing else afterwards, as the fruits of the on-going revolution reach every nook in the country – and not on sectarian lines. It is only dynasty and the secular crowd that has them divided, and who play them against one another.

The English pundits have played their games and have lost. So has the dynasty. It is time they learnt their lesson, and it is this lesson Narendra Modi has taught them!

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