Swadeshi Jagaran Manch writes to PM on WTO nomination

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Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
Subject: Nomination for Director General of WTO from India

As you are aware that World Trade Organisation, a rule making body for trade between nations, which came into existence from January 1st, 1995, as a successor of GATT, based on agreements after Uruguay Round of negotiations, is going to elect a new Director General after the present incumbent, Mr. Pascal Lamy retires.
You will appreciate that WTO is an important body for trade negotiation, where there is generally a clash of interests between the developed nations and the developing countries. Direction of WTO negotiations has a significant importance for the development of less developed and developing countries. In the past though there is no significant progress in WTO negotiations on Doha issues, due to rigid positions taken by the developed countries, WTO remains an important trade body with wider implications. India has taken up the leadership (of developing countries) role in the past, in trade negotiations, as there is a natural commonality of interest amongst developing countries. India’s economic clout has been increasing over time, thanks to our fast rising GDP, technological development and superior human resources. Our contribution to the global trade, which used to be less than 0.5 percent, has now risen to 2 percent. Furthermore in the changed circumstance and shift of global trade focus to Asia, coupled with the increasing role played by India in driving global economy, put India in the leading role in global trade matters.

There are many issues which are yet to be resolved on the WTO platform, having significance and impact on our economy.  In the past we have witnessed that the position of Director General of WTO has been generally used by the developed countries to their advantage.

Director General Mr. Pascal Lamy is now retiring and fresh nominations would be filed till December 31, 2012. India must therefore offer its nominee to lead this body, who can fulfill the aspirations of 1.2 billion population of the country, as well as the vast majority of people of the developing countries. Ever since the Doha Round, India has occupied the fulcrum position among the more than 110 developing-country members of the WTO. Costa Rica, Mexico, Jordan, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya and New Zealand have already taken initiative to propose their nominees.

It is the right opportunity for India, to send its nominee for this position, and mobilise support  by convincing the developing as well as the developed world about the genuinity and importance of such a move.

Please treat this mater as urgent and take suitable measures to send India’s nomination for the post of Director General of WTO. This move of India will go a long way to uplift India’s position in this world body, apart from serving nation’s wider economic interests.

Thanking you
Yours’ sincerely
Dr. Ashwami Mahajan
Member, National Steering Committee & National Spokesman 9212209090

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