DELHI units of Bajrang Dal and VHP staged a demonstration outside United Nations office in New Delhi on December 10, the World Human Rights Day, seeking protection of human rights of Pakistani Hindus. Hindu migrants from Pakistan also joined the demonstration. The proterstors also submitted a memorandum to the UN authorities.
Addressing the demonstrators, VHP’s state vice president Brij Mohan Sethi said the abduction, rape, demolition of houses and temples and large scale forced conversion of Hindus are the common atrocities being faced by the Pak Hindus. They have been forced to live like an animal and brutally being killed at many places. “At many places in Pakistan they have only three options—either accept Islam, leave Pakistan, otherwise be killed,” he added.
The memorandum, addressed to the UN Secretary General, demanded immediate intervention to stop attacks and also rehabilitate the minority Hindus living in Pakistan. The memorandum said that the Hindu population in Pakistan was around 23 per cent of the total population in 1947, and has now drastically reduced to less than 2 per cent due to continuous state sponsored terror acts like abductions/kidnaps/rapes and attacks on temples. “Young Hindu girls and temples are the soft targets of the Islamic fundamentalists. Pak Hindus do not find the place even to cremate their dead one. according to Hindu rituals,” the memorandum added. (FOC)