IN a condolence message released from Nagpur on November 17, RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat said Balasaheb’s death is not only a loss to the Shiv Sena or Maharashtra, but a loss to the entire nation. “In the current situations, vacuum of the experienced and matured leadership like Balasaheb will be paining everyone. He was a straight forward speaker, bold courageous leader with great credentials. He had a firm control over society’s mindset. We have lost a great Hindutva leader, who was like a personal pillar for so many people. We don’t have any control over Almighty’s deeds. We should follow the example presented by him. That will be the only true tribute to his memories. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh pays tributes to his sacred memories, with the prayer that the people get the strength and courage to follow his staunch Hindutva legacy,” the statement said.