In the inaugural evening, classical singer Shri Pawan Tiwari sang devotional songs and a dance troupe led by renowned film actress Gracy Singh enacted dance performances based on the life of Radha-Krishna. The Programme ended with the distribution of Amratmayee Kheer Prasad to all the members of the public who attended the function in thousands.
In the evening of second day of the Sharadotsava, the folk dances of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan were performed by the artists; and a dance troupe led by famous classical and Bharatnatyam performer Deepti Dimple Shah enacted dance performances based on the life of Sita-Ram.
The final day’s programme was organised at Deendayal Khel Parisar, Udyamita Vidyapeeth. Renowned singer Nitin Mukesh delighted the mass of audience by his excellent singing. While looking at the excitement of gathering and arrangements he said “this is one of my best programmes, thank you Nanaji”.
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