Website of Rashtriya Sewa Bharati launchedSocial media helps to maintain constant touch ?Bhaiyaji Joshi

?LAUNCHING a website has no more been a difficult task today. The real challenge is to keep it updated with interesting and useful material. The workers engaged in the sewa activities have plenty of useful and inspiring information about sewa work, but that information should be

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“LAUNCHING a website has no more been a difficult task today. The real challenge is to keep it updated with interesting and useful material. The workers engaged in the sewa activities have plenty of useful and inspiring information about sewa work, but that information should be uploaded on the website in an interesting manner so that the maximum number of people can be encouraged to join the sewa activities,” said RSS Sarkaryavah Shri Bhaiyaji Joshi, while inaugurating the website of Rashtriya Sewa Bharati in New Delhi on October 18.
The website,, has been developed by a Delhi based Sewa Bharati worker, Satish Sharma. Rashtriya Sewa Bharati national president Shri Surya Prakash Tonk, chairman of Shri Badri Bhagat Jhandewala Temple Society Shri Navin Kapur and Managing Director of Sadhna news channel Shri Rakesh Gupta were also present on the occasion.
In the beginning, introducing the website Shri Shyam Parande said website is an important medium to introduce the organisational work to the people world over. He said the website would provide information about all the 411 sewa organisations presently affiliated to the Rashtriya Sewa Bharati. Apart from the text information, the website would also have photos and videos. He said special attention would be paid to the content development for the website.
Shri Bhaiyaji Joshi further said the significance of internet has increased manifold and it is a medium of disseminating information which should be used on larger scale. “Four kinds of people are today associated with the sewa activities. First, the people for whom we start the sewa work. Second those individual or organisations who start the sewa work. Third are the workers, who practically work on the ground and fourth is the section of the well wishers and donors, who extend help to the sewa work. But today those who are doing social work are looked at with suspicion. This should change, as the section of the society, which is backbone of the sewa activities should not have wrong feeling about it. Website is a medium to have a live contact with the sewa activities and the society,” Bhaiayji said. He said the Rashtriya Sewa Bharati has so far adopted different means to reach to the people, but the website is a medium, which would bridge the gap between those who are serving and those who are being served.  (FOC)

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