Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar was a modern manishi, who despite facing so many disparities and hardships in his life, worked for uniting the entire society. He was the great son of Bharatmata, who foiled majority of the game plans hatched by Britishers to divide Indian society on the basis of this disparity. The British coined so many myths to widen the divide in the society, but Baba Saheb exposed all the myths with the logic, which could be countered by none at that time or later.
RSS Sahsarkaryavah Dr Krishna Gopal revealed all these facts in a lecture delivered at a seminar organised by Bhimrao Ambedkar Chair of Himachal Pradesh University in July this year on the topic of ‘Contribution of Dr Ambedkar to Indian Society and Thinking’. The Chair later published the lecture in a book form. The 44-page book is in Hindi. The book highlights the views of Dr Ambedkar on various important issues.
Dr Ambedkar was a complete Indian and he had full faith in this nation’s cultural values and philosophy of life. But he was against the superstitions and inhuman traditions. He decisively fought against all the wrong traditions. He had good relations with all the people working for restoring human philosophy in Indian society. He never accepted defeat even in highly adverse circumstances and transformed the lives of crores of people. His views should be seen only in national perspective, says Dr Krishna Gopal in the book.
The book successfully highlights the diversities seen in the life of Dr Ambedkar, which establish him as a warrior fighting for the rights of the deprived people. The important aspect of Baba Saheb’s life is that he did not want to abolish all ancient traditions. He just wanted reforms—accepting the good and deleting the wrong,” the book says.
(Bhimrao Ambedkar Chair, Himachal Pradesh University, Samarhill, Shimla- 171 005)
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