Karnataka CM releases the revised edition ofSansad Bhavan Se Sandesh, Bharat

KARNATAKA Chief Minister Shri Jagadish Shivappa Shettar released the revised edition of Sansad Bhavan Se Sandesh, Bharat, compiled by Justice Dr M Rama Jois, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) on September 25. The book release function was organised by Vijnaneshwara Research and Training Center in Polity ? Martur, Gulbarga, Karnataka at the Chief Minister?s Home Office ?Krishna? and attended by RSS well-wishers , intellectuals and friends of Dr M Rama Jois.

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R Guruprasad

KARNATAKA Chief Minister Shri Jagadish Shivappa Shettar released the revised edition of  Sansad Bhavan Se Sandesh, Bharat, compiled by  Justice Dr M Rama Jois, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha)  on September 25. The book release function was organised by Vijnaneshwara Research and Training Center in Polity – Martur, Gulbarga, Karnataka at the Chief Minister’s  Home  Office  ‘Krishna’ and attended by  RSS well-wishers , intellectuals and friends of Dr M Rama Jois. 
Speaking on the occasion Justice  Dr M Rama Jois, the author of the book said that  when he was entering the Rajya Sabha on October 17,2008 to occupy his allotted seat number 228, he noticed a verse from Bhagavadgita Chapter 18-45 inscribed above the entrance door . He was greatly inspired by the message as it reminded that ours is a duty based society and that if one performs the duty assigned to him, he achieves success.
His curiosity took wings when he noticed several other inspiring messages from different scriptures including Bhagavadgita, Mahabharata, Lalita Vistara, Panchatantra, Taittireeyopanishad, Rigveda, Manusmruti, Mundakopanishad, Shukraneeti etc., were inscribed all around the Parliament House with the letters made in cement and plated in golden colour. “To my surprise I have noticed several more inscriptions in the Parliament House at various places which incorporate the essence of the basic philosophy evolved in our country from times immemorial,” Justice Dr M Rama Jois said.
Justice Rama Jois said that the inscriptions incorporated in his book are those selected by the Committee of  the Parliament of which Shri GV Mavalankar the then Speaker of  the Lok Sabha was the chairman and inscribed at various places in  the Parliament House. He added that each and every inscription is worth remembering as it gives direction for the parliamentarians to think and act and he is more happy that the revised edition is being released  on the 97th birthday of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya.

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