AKHIL Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) swept the students union elections in Uttarakhand. Mahesh Jaguri won the post of president defeating NSUI’s Mohit Rawat by 359 votes in DAV (PG) College of Dehradun, the biggest college of Uttarakhand. Shri Jaguri secured 2,621 votes. Talking to Organiser after the victory he expressed happiness over the ABVP’s good performance and said he wished to make the atmosphere in the college more conducive for academics and also to provide facilities to students like library books, hygienic college campus and regular classes. He would also try to facilitate introduction of professional courses and defence-related courses in the college.
ABVP has been winning the post of president for the last six years in DAV College. Bhajan Singh and Bhanu Pratap Singh Pundir of ABVP were elected to post of president and general secretary respectively in SGRR (PG) College. Bhajan Singh defeated Joginder Singh Bhatt of NSUI by 111 votes while Bhanu Pratap Singh Pundir defeated Aarti Bahuguna by 196 votes. Mahak and Astha of AVBP were elected on the post president and general secretary respectively in MKP (PG) Girls College, Dehradun. Kamlesh Rawat and Shweta Bhatt were elected on the post of president and secretary respectively in Pauri Campus Student’s Union Elections. Sudhir Joshi was elected for presidentship in Birla Campus, Srinager.
(Ravindra Saini in Dehradun)
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