Bhatke Vimukta Vikas Parishad, an organisation devoted to development of nomadic tribes, organised first ever workshop for the Panchayat chiefs of Wadar community at Sholapur’s Shiv Smarak recently. Wadar is one of the major nomadic tribes in Maharashtra. The objective of the workshop was to acquaint the Panchayat chiefs with their traditional peculiarities and inspire them to do introspection for developing their community. Various historical and developmental issues of the community were discussed during the workshop. Dr Suvarna Rawal of Bhatke Vimukta Vikas Parishad said it was the nomadic tribes who protected and preserved the Bharatiya culture and society for thousands of years. Dr Mahadev Deshmukh discussed the history of Wadar community in his speech and provided information on various castes, clans and traditions in vogue in the community. Prof Gajanan Dharne provided information related to various government welfare schemes for nomadic tribes. Shri Narsingh Zare discussed the decisions of caste Panchayat with the Panchayat chiefs. The workshop was attended by 121 clan Panchayat chiefs and activists of Bhatke Vimukta Vikas Parishad and Pratishthan.
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