The three-day Samaskrito-tsavam was organised in Chennai from August 18 to 20. The event witnessed an unprecedented response from Sanskrit enthusiastic people. Nearly 12,000 people participated. Pejawar Swami Shri Vishwesh Theerth Maharaj, national organising secretary of Samskrit Bharati and many other scholars were also present in the Samskritotsavam. The programme was live webcasted on www. More than 1,000 people watched the event live.
Three different events were organised on all the three days. They included Balotsava on first day, Samajotsav on second day and Yuvotsav on the last day. In all the events about 12,000 students from 85 schools and colleges and about 70 judges of different courts participated.
It was for the first time in Chennai that school/college students participated in such an event, which included Bhaashanam, Katha kathanam, Katha kalakshepam, Vyaktigeetam/Samuhika geetam – in Sanskrit. About 720 Sanskrit lecturers, teachers and Sanskrit speaking parents participated in the event. An Income Tax Commissioner gave a three hours Intellectual PPT on Aeronautical Engineering in ancient Bharat
Sanskrit books to the tune of Rs 1,09,000 were sold. A book in Sanskrit, Stories from life of Swami Vivekananda, was also released. The book is full of some rare pictures of Swami Vivekananda. An event saw 30 hours of Gita chanting at the function. Bhajans and stotras were chanted for six hours. The youngest competitor in Sanskrit oratory was a four year old kid.
An exhibition of all names of Sri Krishna with meaning and pictures related to the Bhagavad Gita was also organised. Many Tirukkural translations in Sanskrit were shared by scholars such as Tiruppur Krishnan, Dr VV Subramanian, Dr Ramachandran and Dr Aravamudan.
A three-hour mind-boggling presentation on Vaimanika Shastra, ancient Indian Aeronautical Engineering, was also made. In a PowerPoint presentation it was shown with substantial proof that Shivkar Bapui Talpade was first to build aeroplane.
In his speech Dr MM Alex, scientist at Anceint Integrated Therapies Research said that since Sanskrit comes from nature, so it can never die. Very young upcoming poets recited amasing poetry on contemporary themes. In his speech, Swami Atmaghananda from Ramakrishna Mutt said the Sanskrit is best tool for programming and the younsters are speaking Sanskrit in a good number. He said Sanskrit’s future is bright. Editor of Amudasurabhi Shri Tiruppur Krishnan said the Government must honour the Sanskrit scholars. (VSK-Chennai)