IN a unique and bizarre incident in Mamata”s Bengal a Jail Superintendent has been accused of running a joint account with a murder accused. The concerned Jailer of Barakpore jail, just 12 KMs from capital Kolkata Anando Kumar Roy has been absconding since then. As per reports available Roy was having a joint account with one Ms Jinia Nandi, a murder accused lodged in the same jail. The said account no. is 910010027960418 with a private bank. It is said that contractors and suppliers were forced to pay a kind of levy to these individuals to run their businesses and were asked to deposit the same in this account. Presently some 10 lakh rupees is said to be in the account. This incident not only presents the rot within the system but also highlights the element of dare and lack of fear of the law that can even rival the state of even some of the so-called banana republics of Africa.
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