The website has been designed with the cooperation of Newsbharati, Nagpur to cater the needs of Public Sector, Private Sector, and Unorganised Sector workers’ using the latest technology. The site will also act like a reference site for those who want to study labour affairs.
The function was presided over by Shri Babuji, Mekhala president. Shri B Surendran, national deputy organising secretary of BMS inaugurated the conference. Shri PT Rao, senior most leaders of the BMS and former national finance secretary of BMS were also present on the occasion.
The website contains multi-dimensional activities of the BMS, information about joint struggles by different trade unions at various levels and sectors. It also has news on agitations, success stories, focused areas of work, states’ and Central Government’s policies, decisions, notifications, orders and welfare schemes, court verdicts on labour matters, labour laws, labour news in India and abroad, sufferings of the unorganised sector workers, media room sections containing press clippings, press releases, organisational responses, etc. The BMS feels that the trade union movement should use the modern technology as one of its tool to spread its activities and efforts to different sections of people. (FOC)
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