Outcome of spirituality Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

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Prof Sohan Raj Tater
   THE heart is God’s treasury, keep it pure and radiant. Let our thought be pure, let our words be pure, let our actions be pure, let our whole life be pure. It is also very necessary to teach our children about the importance of purity in life. Moral education is a must today.
   Young children have impressionable minds and we should try to develop a spiritual outlook in them from a very young age. We should help them inculcate good values and thoughts. It is said, “One hour of reflection is equal to seventy years of pious worship.” It is only when we introspect about good things that we try to imbibe them in our life. Non-violence is the heart of Janism. There is nothing in the world or even out of it that can be called good except the principle of non-violence of all living beings. The root cause of violence is material goods. The virtue of non-violence and aparigraha are capable of establishing universal peace.
Fundamentals of
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
   Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is essentially a cultural and spiritual concept. It looks upon the whole world as one’s own family. Love and harmony, co-operation and mutual support are the basic ingredients here, as in a family. The all human beings are small part of this great universe. The time has arrived when we should come close to each other for realising the one world dream. India is a land where ideal of unity in diversity has existed for long. A verily of religions like Hinduism, Jainsim, Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam and Christianity flourish there. The joint family system of India is another example of unity in diversity. In this dangerous situation respect for all religions and Vasudhaiva kutumbakam can usher peace in this world.
Outcome of Spirituality: Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
   The aim of life should be to realise God and follow his teachings. We should think twice before we act so that our actions don’t cause miseries to other. According to Jainism, “Do not indulge mind, body and speech in the evil of all other creatures.” According to Islam, “O God! give prosperity to all humanity.” Vedas say, “For wise people, the entire humanity is but one family.” Ramayana preaches God is present in all human beings. The Gita teaches, “Be involved in the good of all humanity.” Let us dedicate the rest of our life in the service of God. The best service to God is service to society. Let us turn our own-self interest into public interest. Renouncing selfish desires is the highest state of renunciation. When such a divine state is achieved one dedicate oneself to the service of mankind.
   Every creature of globe wants to live and nobody likes to die. Therefore no one has any right to destroy or harm any other living beings. Jain ethic believes non-violence means universal truth. There is only one caste namely manhood. Our forefathers were great visionaries for advocating world peace and world unity. Therefore, they incorporated Article 51 in the Constitution of India to enjoin the Government to work for the unity of mankind in the spirit of our ancient belief of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.
(The writer is former Vice Chancellor of Singhania University)

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