Agitated over the 4.5 per cent reservation quota granted to Muslims by the UPA government, the leaders of various Hindu castes warned the UPA government to scrap the quota or face the countrywide agitation. Assembled at a Sarva Jati Mahapanchayat organised by the Indraprastha Vishwa Hindu Parishad at Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi on May 20 they made it clear that no attempt to snatch the rights of the Hindus would be tolerated at all.
Addressing the Mahapanchayat the VHP working president Dr Parvin Togadia said the Central government must scrap the quota in national interest, as the decision is unconstitutional and would pave the way for another division of the country on religious grounds.
Former Union Minister and Janata Party president Dr Subramanian Swamy asked since Muslims ruled India for over 500 years and the Christians ruled for over 200 years, how could they require reservation? Since there is no caste system in both these communities, there is no question of providing them any type of reservation, he asserted.
‘Hindu Roti-Shiksha Bachao Agitation’ was also launched at the Mahapanchayat, which was addressed by heads of 301 villages in Delhi, Valmiki saint Acharya Viveknath, Acharya Mahendra Pal Arya and Swami Raghavanand. Representatives from Sanatan Dhrama Pratinidhi Sabha, Arya Samaj, Valmiki, Raigar, Khatiq, Jatav, Dhanak Samaj, etc. participated in the function. (FOC)