Blurred Vision?
Dr Pravin Togadia
Not very long ago, just recently in 1990 and then onwards for a decade the Union Government and all State Governments were busy propagating Vision 2000 promoting reforms almost in every field. Economy, agriculture, banking, industry, education, information technology, infrastructure, judiciary, media entertainment and all other fields were pushed into various kinds of reforms. These reforms included not only finances but also human resource development (or, so to say, destruction!), marketing, etc. This pushed almost all establishments into a frenzy of restructuring and setting up new systems.
2000 came and passed by. There were some changes; not reforms. With BT seeds, American companies like Monsanto and Cargill made money, large farmers (very rare phenomena in Bharat!) made money; but small and marginal farmers lost money in expensive seeds, their extra tender care with costly fertilizers and pesticides. Strange and strong chemicals in these hurt the quality of the cultivated land so much that it started requiring almost double water than normal. Electricity consumption went up for this. Farmers were thrown in the vicious cycle of debt and deaths!
On infrastructure side, reforms meant big and wide roads, huge bridges and flyovers, dams and power projects on the rivers that never went dry for ages like Ganga, Yamuna, Mandakini, etc, urban development with huge expensive housing projects only affordable for a few. Slum development projects went ‘futt’ with builders making money and slum dwellers again staying in the same shabby conditions. For common middle class and lower middle class, owning descent house always remained a far away dream.
In education front the kids were loaded with the education and exam systems that were far away from the reality and Bharat’s cultural ethos. This stressed up and alienated kids and youth from Bharat’s customs and values that actually had made Bharat richer and already most developed than many nations.
Forcefully opened economy became so volatile to the international markets and financial situations that even the small nations in Europe started making Indian rupee weak! That turmoil still continues when the Union Government and many State Governments are now propagating Vision 2020 mostly speaking of similar things like FDI in retail, oil, power, etc. Almost everybody has forgotten the basic accountability of evaluation of Vision 2000 which was projected with so much ho hoopla then! No damage or benefit evaluation was ever done officially and in a transparent way of Vision 2000 and everyone jumped on to the bandwagon of Vision 2020 as if it is some unique invention whereas it is just reinventing the same old stuck-up wheel.
Both these visions that try to control every sphere of life of Bharat remain conspicuously ambiguous about controlling or reforming minority affairs the strictest ways but are very vocal and vehement about controlling every aspect of Hindus – be it birth (only two kids allowed because the nation has to be developed. But Muslims can produce any number of kids.) As part of Vision 2000 many minorities were included in the list of Scheduled Castes and Tribals snatching all facilities meant for the really oppressed people. Now in Vision 2020, the government is doing the same with more death shots to Hindus.
The world saw a major shift in international diplomacy after the 9/11 attack in USA. Jehadi networks got exposed and every wise nation got into the immediate act of war on terror. Bharat, on the other hand, repealed POTA, the strictest anti terror law immediately after UPA came to power in 2004. Second time UPA came to power and instead of busting jehadi modules, it created NIA to put Hindus in jail.
Now the same Vision 2020 of the UPA has promised the Targeted Communal Violence Bill. It means, ‘Target Hindus and permit Muslims to do communal violence against Hindus and get away with it leaving no scope for Hindus even to file any case’!
Are these called social reforms? These are pure vote-bank politics and policies. As for economic reforms: FDI in manufacturing and marketing of simple products got Bharat nowhere. Foreign companies like Colgate, PandG, Unilever, Union Carbide, Pfizer, Glaxo, Boeing, etc started their manufacturing and marketing in Bharat thereby polluting Bharat’s water and air as well as looting the nation’s consumer money. This made Bharat’s economy totally volatile. Companies like Union Carbide did not stop at that but killed lakhs of people. Enron cheated Bharat in a worse way.
Some governments are now speaking of development and Vision 2020 bragging about progress of weaker sections—by which they mean Muslims and Christians—but the majority of Bharat is reeling under tremendous stress due to horrible price hike in everything—from milk to petrol and from vegetables to electricity. This is NOT called reforms by any standards. I am not even referring to the volatile rupee and share markets about which our learned PM helplessly says that in Bharat they depend on international markets! It is not a shameful situation for Bharat but is a dangerous one. Bharat had great businesses and trades that earned foreign currency before 1990 and some years after that. Diamond, gems and jewelry, agriculture, textile, handicrafts, and spices, etc gave a lot to Bharat’s economy. Governments destroyed their profitability with stupid duties and taxes time to time making them volatile.
Frankly, neither Union Government nor any State Government has been anytime serious about Bharat’s true development that can uplift the Bharat’s economy protecting Bharat’s rich cultural prosperity. Rather, they are behaving in such way that raises doubts whether they wish to kill all that is Bharat, all that is Hindu and all that is a success of majority of Bharat! Interfering in personal issues of Hindus like marriage laws, socio-religious issues like temple and trusts management, economic issues like agriculture etc, Governments are not bringing in any development, but are cracking the developed Bharat into pieces.
Visions are great if visualised and then implemented by real visionaries. Bharat has visionaries and doers but unfortunately, they are not in politics! Those who are in politics—Center or States—may have vision but that is blurred by their eye set on various posts like CM and PM and what not! Blurred visions do not make nations; they destroy nations’ strong rich fiber! Bharat needs pure Hindu vision that can take into consideration Bharat’s inner strength to build on its manifestations. No politician seems to be showing any sign to be anywhere near this!