Dr Pravin Togadia
Well, no other option for Congress now other than importing the Vote Bank! Sounds weird? This party has been doing real weird things since they came in power at Centre. Repealing the strong anti-terror law POTA, creating NIA pretending to handle Jehadi terror but putting Hindus in jail, looting Hindu tax money to shower on Muslims, taxing ancient trades of Bharat like jewelry, textiles, etc. Making a mess of economy so much that even the high middle class mom thinks twice before giving a second cup of milk to her kid, causing thousands of farmers suicides… They tried to bring FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in Retail and failed to convince Bharat and their own allies its usefulness to Bharat’s economy.
Now to win elections they are bringing FDI in Vote Bank! How so? Recently there is a big uproar in the capital New Delhi. Over 3000 people – men, women, kids, were suddenly seen on the streets and under the bridges and near the posh localities. They looked different, they behaved shabbily. They were Rohyang Muslims. For those who do not know much about them: They are born of Burmese mothers and Bangladeshi Muslim fathers. They all strictly follow Quran. Their Jehad against Buddhist Chakma tribe in Bangladesh from Chitagong area had made a big news worldwide when they wiped out this peace loving Buddhist tribe. It was a heinous modern day ethnic cleaning.
Burma and Bangladesh both kicked them out now because after the Chakma Buddhists killings, they became more ambitious and are now actively working to create arakans – their area between Bangladesh and (Burma) Myanmar, a separate Muslim country.
These thousands of Rohyang Muslims suddenly ‘popped’ up in Bharat’s capital as if from nowhere and now demanding the refugee status from the UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees). They parked themselves in front of the UN office in the posh locality of Vasant Vihar in Delhi, harassing local residents and making the area dirty. When locals complained, they were sheltered by the Nawab Zafar Jung – Ex Vice Chancellor of Jamia Milia University and currently the sitting member of Bharat’s Union Government’s National Monitoring Committee for Minority Education! He sheltered them in a mosque in a village near Delhi after the local villagers oppose them being in Bharat!
Bharat’s majority works hard and pays tax, of which the Government is already snatching for Muslims. They still did not vote for Congress, so now Congress is importing such criminals who in broad daylight killed thousands of Buddhists!
It is heard that the UN will be granting them a refugee status on May 15. The UN does not dream of anything. Unless Government of India made a representation or someone strongly lobbied for Rohyang Muslims, this will never happen! If they want a refugee status, then they should either go to their mother’s place Myanmar or their father’s place as per their majhab – Bangladesh. Bharat is not a place for them and UN has no right to force such killers on to Bharat!
The question is that while the Home Minister and the PM together pushing for NCTC (National Counter Terrorism Centre) and alerting Bharat about the danger from HuJI, IM, LeT, Al Queda infiltrating from Pakistan, Bangladesh etc, how did such a large number of such killer Rohyang Muslims reach Bharat’s capital Delhi? Who got them there so safely and gave them courage to sit in front of the UN office? Who convinced the UN for their refugee status? If the UN Secretary General from a prominent Buddhist Korea is so fond of Rohyang Muslims who killed Buddhists en mass, then he should take them to Korea and give them refugee status or citizenship!
But, it is the Bharat’s scared ruling party that is using such imported vote banks to win as a last resort! Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators in Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya were given such a princely treatment and most of them now have voting cards. Congress also has given safe passage to the Jehadis who did training in the Al Queda training camps in Pakistan and Pak Occupied Kashmir. How so? Congress Government has offered that the trained Jehadis who come back, will get police and Army jobs; those Jehadis killed by the brave Army and Police of Bharat—their families will get pension! The brave army and police people are sent to jail for killing the Jehadis and the Jehadis are getting favours! Even today the Kashmiri Pundits and Sikhs have not got any rights in their lost Kashmir areas, no voting rights there either! Hindus in Pakistan are being killed even now and being hoarded to Bharat, their daughters being raped and forcibly converted to Islam; Malaysian and Indonesian Hindus are being targeted and tortured by the respective officially Islamic governments there – but the Union Government’s special love for Muslims is making it blind to the plight of Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs. Pak gets Most Favored Nation status and Hindus in Bharat and other countries are being treated by Congress as enemies from last birth!
Rohyang Muslims getting such a favoured treatment by the ruling party and the government is a part of their strategy to import such vote banks that depend on them any which ways. Rohyang Muslims should be immediately deported to where they came from, the UN must take them to international court for ethnic cleansing of the Buddhist tribe. Instead, Bharat’s Government and the UN both are sheltering them endangering Bharat’s security. This way, whether Hindus and Muslims in Bharat will vote for them or not is a different issue, but if these imported Muslim vote banks grow this speed (women in that Rohyang crowd gave birth to the kids here!), then sure, there may not be elections 2014 because Muslim nations believe in Sharia and not in democratic elections and such imported Muslim vote banks will halt Bharat’s democracy with the fast Talibanisation!
Nawab Zafar Jung should be prosecuted for supporting illegal foreign nationals using Bharat’s territory; the Maulawis who shelter Rohyang Muslims should be arrested under anti-terror laws and those political and non-political people who helped Rohyang Muslims reach Delhi from Bangladesh should be prosecuted. UN has no right to endanger Bharat’s security.
(The writer can be contacted at drtogadia@gmail.com)?
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