A good work in Vanvasi emancipation earns World Bank appreciation

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A success story that made many lives

Ramesh Ayyar in USA

Have you ever come across a boy born in a non-descript village amidst abject poverty, waiting for days to have a meal just to fill his empty stomach?  You must have come across thousands but have you ever heard that the  same village boy losing his father at the age of 4, struggling to find his own space in the society and then working relentlessly to create space for the children of lesser gods?

You must have heard rags to riches stories about people but have you found a man who had nothing in hand but dared to set up an institute with just a paltry amount of Rs. 5000 and to borrow almost 500 crores of rupees in the process of making the institute one of the finest multi-disciplinary Universities of the world? Is it not hard to believe that this University because of its excellence and world class infrastructure could be chosen to host the 99th Indian Science Congress in January 2012, which it could accomplish with aplomb?  This is the truth about KIIT, Orissa.   

Have you ever met a person who opted for opening an institution for the poorest of the poor Vanvasi children without any financial backing? Anybody after establishing a successful University would definitely not opt for feeding 15,000 Vanvasi children free to pursue education from KG to PG absolutely free.

Unbelievable but true that such a person still exists amongst us.  He has never said no to anybody who came to him for any help.  It is perhaps his wrong doings that he has been trying to empower the poor Vanvasis through education and providing a sustainable livelihood.  The person who has been living in a two-room rented premise with only some plastic chairs as his belongings can be no other than Achyuta Samanta who of-late, has become an eyesore of some unscrupulous jealous individuals.  It is definitely the turbulence of jealously, for, rather than working hard, these people get negative.

It is the shameful display of turbulence of jealousy that people envy of. Samanta does not even think that. By their action they are causing irreparable damage to the Orissa state. Going to the extent of trying to influence the PMO to cancel Prime Minister’s visit to KIIT to inaugurate the 99th Indian Science Congress and going to the extent of filing a PIL to scuttle the growth of KIIT and preventing the 15000 hapless Vanvasi children to dream for their future, show how deep they are inside the mud of jealousy.

The rise of KIIT and KISS could not be accepted by those who consider education a business or means for conversion. Ever since the 99th Indian Science Congress was declared to be held in KIIT, this group tried its best to stall it.

Despite all their attempts, they have not been able to convince anyone as to what has been the fault of Achyuta Samanta and what wrong did he do in establishing world class institution in a state like Odisha. These institutions are now pride of the State and the World. Even the World Bank has appreciated the efforts to educate and professionalise the Vanvasi children. Is it the fault of Samanta that he has been appreciated and honoured by the people all over the world? If at all there is any fault with the founder of KIIT & KISS, character assassination and causing damage to the institution, jeopardising the future of children are not the way to deal with.

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