A round table discussion was organised by the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad on the proposed Bill of National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) in Bengaluru on November 19. The discussion saw participation and attendance from medical fraternity in Karnataka. Dr Siriprakash, Vice Chancellor of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Dr Ramanand Shetty, former Vice Chancellor of Rajiv Gandhi Health University & Sciences, Prof PV Krishna Bhatt, Member of Legislative Council, Dr Jayakar Shetty, Syndicate Member of RGUHS, Directors and Principals of premier medical institutions of Karnataka, national leaders of ABVP including Shri KN Raghunandan, national joint organising secretary Shri Ravikumar, zonal organising secretary, South India, Shri Nagaraj Reddy, students and medical practitioners.
Dr Siriprakash opined that some critical issues need to be addressed in the nationalised entrance test. He feared the capability and competence of students from rural background to compete with the students from CBSE/ICSE. Dr. Srinivas took up the issue of PG and Super Specialty courses since it is comparatively less to UG in terms of intake and PG is more defined. Dr Gangadhar, HoD in NIMHANS said there is lack of quality in pursuing medical education, most people don’t take any interest in the marks they secure and most interestingly students clearing entrance exam are not the brightest students. Dr Ramanand Shetty sought public debate on the pros and cons of the proposed Bill.
Shri Ravikumar questioned the credibility of the NEET and said all the four prominent medical colleges of the region are strongly opposing the NEET. Shri Raghunandan said the Central government by centralising the admission process is trying to control the education field.
(By Rajesh Padmar in Bengaluru)
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