Common queries, exquisite answers?

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Common queries, exquisite answers?

Random Curiosity, Yash Pal with Rahul Pal, National Book Trust, India, Pp 258,  Rs 140.00?

This is a fantastic book which, while covering the ‘experiences’ of a lifetime, is based on so-called ‘discovered questions’, that is, questions which the children ask out of observation and curiosity. Albert Einstein had said, “I have no special talent; I am only passionately curious.” He had gone on to add, “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons for existing. One cannot help but be in awe, when he contemplates true mysteries of extremity, of life and the marvellous structure of reality.”
This is not only an interesting but a very pertinent book in this present era of science and technology when newer and more discoveries are being made and about which one’s curiosity is being aroused every now and then but about which he doesn’t have the answers. Questions like ‘What is global warming? Why do tears come when we cut onions? Why does light bend on travelling from one medium to another? When it rains outside, why does the windshield of the car get foggy? Why are tears salty?’ And many more (nearly 300 or so) questions are provided with scientific answers to whet your curiosity.
Written by a distinguished scientist, educationist, visionary and architect of India’s space programme, this book provides not only answers which are scientifically accurate but which are so worded and explained that even a layman with little or no knowledge of science can understand.
Covering a wide array of subjects, this book is a must read for all.
(National Book Trust, India, Nehru Bhawan, 5 Institutional Area, Phase II, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi -110 070.)


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